When the news about Google Plus broke, I was as cur— Sorry, just a sec. I have to go reload the Google Plus page to see if they’re accepting new signups yet.
Nuts. No luck.
Where was I? Right: when the news about Google Plus broke, I was as curious as anyone about— Wait! Someone just tweeted that they’re accepting newly invited users at a special URL!
Dammit. Rickrolled again.
So. When the news about Google+ broke, I was as curious as anyone else about what it would mean. (Other than the inevitable flood of “Why your brand must be on Google Plus right frigging now!!!“, “Why Google Plus will kill Facebook” and “Why Google Plus will doom Google to a lingering painful death” blog posts, that is.)
Well, in the 20 minutes it’s taken me to write this, I’ve actually managed to get an invitation to work, and I am inside the walls of the kingdom.
So what’s it like? Where’s the value? Will it complement, supersede or succumb to Facebook?
I honestly can’t tell you, because I’m completely hooked on the little add-friends-to-Circles animation, and I think it’ll be weeks before I move on to any other features.
I’ll keep you posted.