Home Our New Editor-in-Chief

Our New Editor-in-Chief

Today begins a new day for ReadWrite. When we purchased the site last year, we had a plan to drive the community to conversations that would lead the world of connected devices. Recently, Wearable IoT World closed our latest investment round and… finally… we are poised to make all our plans a reality. The investors and I have looked long and hard at this property. This investment road wasn’t easy, but the investors and I are aligned to focus on creating the right team and valuable experience for this community and technology executives. Keep us honest on our coverage, and sharp on our analysis. It’s the only way we get better, and it’s my commitment as CEO to listen, iterate, and provide more value to you as we grow this international publication.

So with that, I am pleased to announce that Christopher Caen has joined us as our new Editor-in-Chief. Christopher takes over from Owen Thomas, who was invaluable in navigating the publication through the very tough past year. He will remain to be a strong part of the history and future of ReadWrite. Christopher comes to us from Theory Associates, a San Francisco branding agency, where he was a partner and chief brand strategist, leading clients into new markets and really cool technology products. Previously, Christopher worked in Silicon Valley for over two decades with both Fortune 500 companies as well as several startups.

More importantly, Christopher has a long lineage in journalism. He broke into the local market with his weekly columns in the San Francisco Examiner in 2006. Since then, he has written for The Huffington Post, The Atlantic, The New York Magazine Sunday Magazine, and TWICE Magazine. He also was the founding editor of AWARE Magazine, a local publication dedicated to the world of philanthropy.

I’ve gotten to know Christopher through this process and can assure the people that care about this publication that not only is he the right person for this job, but his vision is all about taking ReadWrite to an unparalleled level of excellence. One that the original writers and builders of this community are proud to have created and been a part. As a long time fan of this publication I’m excited about following his team of editors and writers as they set the editorial mission, grow the magazine to an international footprint with leading writers and breaking stories.

So at this point and a year into this acquisition, we’ve started setting our own course. One that can only be successful if we focus radically on the issues of you, our audience. On the trends, that will impact your life, your job, your industry. We are seeking to align and understand more than the “news of the day” series of funding announcements. We believe if we understand the underlying technological seismic shifts that are driving those announcements and garner your feedback that we can be a catalyst to acceleration as well as a documenter of it.

Looking forward to joining on this journey with Chris and looking forward to driving a deeper relationship and conversation with our audience. If you need more or have feedback don’t hesitate to text me. 4157060865.



About ReadWrite’s Editorial Process

The ReadWrite Editorial policy involves closely monitoring the tech industry for major developments, new product launches, AI breakthroughs, video game releases and other newsworthy events. Editors assign relevant stories to staff writers or freelance contributors with expertise in each particular topic area. Before publication, articles go through a rigorous round of editing for accuracy, clarity, and to ensure adherence to ReadWrite's style guidelines.

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