At the start of the pandemic we all suddenly found ourselves propped up on kitchen chairs in front of laptops or, even worse, hunched on those spare chairs that only come out of storage at Christmas when you have more people around than you can comfortably cope with.
One set of people didn’t have this issue and that was gamers, and particularly gamers who had discovered “gaming chairs”. Now while gaming chairs were not born of the pandemic, many more people jumped on board as people realised they needed a chair that would be comfortable for sustained period in front of a screen, and that that piece of furniture already existed.
Which brings us to today. Now I have used, put together and owned plenty of gaming chairs over the years so by this stage I am looking really for a few things from any new seating experience. Comfort and stability should be obvious, but also features, durability and ease of putting the thing together.
If I am spending hundreds on a chair, it has to be able to survive the odd splash of coffee. It also has to not make me do that thing where it moves a fraction of an inch when you aren’t expecting it and react like you are falling to your death. I want my chair to to function the way I want it too.
When Boulies sent over a model for review from their Master Series, its hard to get excited, ooh another gaming chair – but then I unboxed it and was greeted by a large, comfy looking seat, simple instructions and well packaged and marked hardware so I set aside my chair fatigue and got to work.
Putting the Master Series gaming chair together was a breeze. I have put a lot of Secret Labs chairs together in my time and the process was not dissimilar. Most things slot together quickly and it’s four bolts for the under seat unit to the chair, two each side to support the frame, and then the arms fit on with a further two before, finally, the covers clip over and are bolted on.
I did forget to put the little plastic cover over the hydraulic lift at the base of the chair and then couldn’t then get the base and seat apart to add it so I had to leave it off. It’s a tight fit down there so don’t do what I did.
Rich feature set
With everything assembled let’s talk about what the Boulies Master Series chairs have, and that is largely everything you could want on your new gaming chair. 4D armrests which can be positioned how you need them for maximum comfort as well as a rocker system which I really like that allows you to gently tip back and forth should you wish, and this can also be locked in place if you want a comfier angle for chilling out and say listening to music or an audiobook.
The back also comes with a dial on the side which is a built in lumbar support, so if your posture is awful and causing you back issues, a few twists and you can be pushed forward into a more optimal skeletal position. It works very well and is remarkably comfortable.
The Master Series feels secure, which is key, and is large and comfortable. It’s bigger than your average gaming chair so there is room to sit on it cross-legged should you wish.
The Master Series comes in three finishes, Nappa leather, water-resistant fabric or Ultraflex PU which is what I had. Then color choice is split between black, brown, blue or red so there should be a combo there that will fit the look you are going for.
Conclusion and price
Boulies ships its chairs from warehouses in the USA, Australia and the UK and currently with an offer on the Master Series is on sale for $369.99 with a free warranty plan and that is a good price, coming in at less than the mass brand chairs you will see your favorite streamers using, and packing more features and stability than many of them too. You can check it out on the website here. Our advice, don’t always follow the crowd because there are much better deals out there, of which this is one.
Being able to quickly assemble it on your own should not be overlooked, and after you have tired yourself with the hard labor, you can sink back into your new seat knowing your back and your backside are going to be well looked after for the foreseeable future.