At the end of last week, we posted on Bloglines vs Google Reader – Who’s Really Winning?. The answer was: Bloglines, but Google Reader is catching up fast. We’ve just received a new chart from Hitwise, which also shows Netvibes and Newsgator. So it shows the context of this “two-horse race”, as Bloglines GM Eric Engleman described it. Here is the new chart:
Source: Hitwise
But can Bloglines hold onto its lead? On that theme there was an interesting comment on our previous post, by Erkko, who wrote:
“Even though Blogline still leads, this situation will not last for much longer. Google Reader will overpower Bloglines with the integration to the Google service portfolio (ala. iGoogle already), and especially when Google accelerates their mobile plans. Bloglines just won’t have the steam to win this fight.”
This is a fair point – Google appears to have a lot of integration options for its Reader. However Bloglines is owned by, which has plenty to offer too.
After doing some testing of both Bloglines and GReader over the past week or so, I still think Google Reader is better. So Bloglines has more work to do. But the competition is now much better, since Bloglines Beta was released last week.