Accmanok – application for modifying the accounts connection settings.
Supported services: Jabber, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Skype.
You can change display name, username, password, connection host, connection port and encryption.
If parameter field is empty, then this parameter is not specified, and uses the default value.
All changes take effect immediately after pressing the save button.
Accmanok also provides the ability to download and install (to install you need to click on the downloaded file in the transmissions window) packages to support additional IM services: ICQ, MSN, AOL, Jabber, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, QIP. To remove the installed packages use the built-in application manager. You can launch it fast by clicking on the application manager icon on the packages page.
After installing services packages needed to reboot phone. This operation will be queried automatically when you return from the packages window. The best solution is a single reboot after installing all necessary packages.
For adding and deleting user accounts use the built-in Accounts application. You can launch it fast by clicking on the blue icon with a key on the main window.
Download link: accmanok_0.0.5_armel.deb
Source MeeGo