Home Authenticity questioned in Caitlyn Jenner’s memecoin promotion

Authenticity questioned in Caitlyn Jenner’s memecoin promotion


  • Caitlyn Jenner's X account promoted a self-named memecoin, sparking debate about a potential hack.
  • Jenner's account denied the hack claims, with her manager affirming the promotion's authenticity.
  • Despite skepticism and similar incidents, Jenner's Instagram also promoted the memecoin link.

Olympian and media personality Caitlyn Jenner’s X account has been promoting a self-named memecoin launched through token launchpad Pump.fun, sparking a debate on social media about whether her account has been hacked or not.

On Sunday afternoon, Jenner’s X handle tweeted a link to the meme token, encouraging followers to share their favorite memecoins. In subsequent tweets and a Twitter Space session, the account insisted it had not been hacked, with Jenner apparently participating and her manager responding to questions:

Here is Sophia Hutchins, my manager, rest assured. I have not been hacked and keep sending this to the moon. I’m out on the golf course enjoying my Sunday and I will not be going live in spaces today. My team is managing this launch. it is authentic. Keep it up🚀🚀🚀

Warranted skepticism

However, many X users expressed skepticism, suggesting the videos might be AI-generated deepfakes. American rapper Rich the Kid’s X account made similar tweets earlier but has since deleted them.

X user CodeXBT pointed out that both Jenner’s and Rich the Kid’s tokens were “nuked” by the same wallet Jenner had requested donations to, raising suspicions amid recent high-profile hacks.

A prediction market on Polymarket shows only 7% of users believe Jenner’s account was compromised. Interestingly, Jenner’s Instagram account also promoted the memecoin link, aligning with the X tweets.

The first tweet from Jenner’s X account featured a picture of her with former U.S. President and current Republican candidate Donald Trump, who recently expressed strong support for crypto in his campaign.

Jenner, a known Trump and Republican Party supporter, reposted tweets highlighting Trump’s pro-crypto stance alongside her own memecoin promotion tweets. The Jenner memecoin currently has a market cap of around $30 million, according to DEX Screener.

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Radek Zielinski
Tech Journalist

Radek Zielinski is an experienced technology and financial journalist with a passion for cybersecurity and futurology.

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