Home As WIF and FLOKI Lose Momentum, Meme Coin Trend Shifts to Shiba Shootout

As WIF and FLOKI Lose Momentum, Meme Coin Trend Shifts to Shiba Shootout

Meta Description: Amid shifting meme coin trends, Shiba Shootout has become a token to watch for its utility, community engagement, and a clear roadmap.

Although projects like dogwifhat (WIF) and FLOKI have seen price increases this year, their momentum appears to be declining, leaving investors looking for the next meme coin to watch and that is where Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT) comes in.

Shiba Shootout is different from the typical crypto project, offering an experience that goes beyond conventional narratives. Unlike many of its counterparts, it allows users to boost their creativity, employ strategic thinking, and embrace the allure of a classic cowboy duel.

At the heart of this experience is Marshal Shiba, a commanding figure who rallies Shiba Inu enthusiasts for the ultimate showdown. Marshal Shiba’s mission is to assert the dominance of Shiba Shootout, challenging the status quo with unyielding determination.

Alongside Marshal Shiba are the Shiba Sharpshooters, skilled crypto enthusiasts and meme creators who ride alongside their leader. Together, they reside in the town of Shiba Gulch, a hub where users gather to tackle challenges, share memes, and engage in a diverse array of activities.

Shiba Shootout users are thrust into high-stakes battles that promise fun and also the potential for rewarding ventures.

What Makes Shiba Shootout a Promising Option After dogwifhat (WIF), FLOKI Major Spikes?

$SHIBASHOOT is the project’s native crypto. Instead of following the usual meme coin model, $SHIBASHOOT offers an experience that’s about more than just trading and transactions.

It also allows participants to take part in fun community events and activities that bring people together.

The project has a clear plan to stay useful and valuable in the long run, which could potentially set it apart from many meme coins that don’t last. $SHIBASHOOT wants to create real use cases and practical applications that will genuinely benefit its community.


The way $SHIBASHOOT’s tokenomics is set up is designed for growth. 35% of the total supply (770 million tokens) will be sold in the ongoing presale. 20% (440 million) is for staking rewards, 10% (220 million) for project funds, 10% (220 million) for liquidity, 20% (440 million) for marketing, and 5% (110 million) for rewarding the bravest participants.

Meme coins often lack real usefulness, which affects how stable their prices are and how long they last. But Shiba Shootout plans to change that.

It has some utility ideas to give its users useful features, like “Campfire Stories,” where community members can share their cryptocurrency experiences, and “Token GovernanceRoundups,s” where they can have a direct say in how the project is run, just like in Wild West town meetings.

Opportunities to Earn Passive Income and Bonuses

Shiba Shootout also provides ways for users to earn money without much effort. The “Posse Rewards” program pays them for getting their friends to join the Shiba Showdown community.

The “Lucky Lasso Lottery” lets people win big crypto prizes, with some of the money going to charity. The “Savings Saddlebags” feature allows users to automatically put a percentage of their tokens into a special wallet to earn extra tokens as rewards.

In addition, the “Cactus Staking” system lets users stake their Shiba Showdown tokens on a cactus in a digital desert. The longer they stake their tokens, the more they’ll earn, and this is shown visually by the growing rewards.


Keeping the Community Informed and Engaged

To be open and build trust with the community, Shiba Shootout has a clear roadmap for how the project will grow. This has been grouped into three different phases.

In Phase 1, the project will launch, get listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap, and reach 1,000+ holders.

In Phase 2, they’ll target 5,000+ holders, partner with other groups, start a digital newsletter, create a token-gated Discord group, and get listed on centralized exchanges.

Phase 3 will bring $SHOOTOUT merchandise, an academy, new tools, and listings on top exchanges, with a goal of 100,000+ holders.

Having these clear milestones and ways for the community to get involved helps Shiba Shootout build trust and engagement in the long-term, which, to be honest, sets it apart from projects that lack transparency and a well-defined growth plan.


Even though meme coins produced a lot of gains for investors this year, these are often criticized for not having strong utility and not having a way to keep prices growing steadily. But projects like Shiba Shootout aim to change that.

We can say this thanks to features like staking incentives to encourage holding, bonuses for getting new users, and the appeal of entertainment-focused projects.

Projects with clear, transparent roadmaps also tend to do well, because they easily gain community members’ trust. Shiba Shootout’s approach to combining entertainment, good utility ideas, and community engagement potentially makes it a project you could add to your respective watchlists.


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James Spillane
Crypto Writer

James Spillane is a crypto trader and writer, producing analytical articles for ReadWrite on the latest market trends and price action of trending assets. Hailing from the UK, James is a BSc Physics graduate from Imperial College London and former Cadet Force Adult Volunteer with Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force. When not writing and editing, James enjoys working out and travelling, currently working remotely in South East Asia. James' latest coverage focuses on the growing meme coin market, tracking assets like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu and newer contenders to their market share.

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