Home Appcelerator Announces Mobile Application Development Solution for Tizen

Appcelerator Announces Mobile Application Development Solution for Tizen

Appcelerator®, the leading mobile platform, announced its plans to deliver a mobile application development solution for Tizen, a Linux-based software system that will support a broad range of computing devices including smartphones, tablets, connected TVs and automotive in-vehicle infotainment systems. Titanium ® support for Tizen will be available for download at the end of March, and a common application store will be available for all Tizen devices in May. Appcelerator is collaborating with the Tizen Association to offer incentives to developers of the first 500 approved apps to be migrated to the new platform.
“Appcelerator is proud to enable developers with the best mobile application development solution for today’s multi-device world,” said Appcelerator CEO Jeff Haynie. “We’re excited to announce support for Tizen to our ecosystem of 1,400 enterprise customers, 425,000 developers and more than 115 million users.”
Samsung has publicly stated the first smartphones based on Tizen will ship in the second half of 2013. Additional devices will soon follow in other device categories and from other manufacturers.
“Support for the Tizen platform from innovative companies such as Appcelerator is important for the growth of the entire ecosystem,” said Tizen Board member Christopher Croteau, Managing Director of Intel’s System Software Division. “Titanium will simplify the mobile development process, allowing developers to rapidly build, test, package and publish applications for Tizen devices.”
About Appcelerator:
Appcelerator is the mobile development platform of choice for thousands of enterprises including eBay, Merck, Mitsubishi Electric, NBC, PayPal and Ray-Ban, as they become mobile-first organizations. With more than 50,000 mobile applications deployed on over 115 million devices, Appcelerator’s award-winning open source development platform, Titanium, and robust Appcelerator enterprise platform are used to create native apps across multiple devices including iOS, Android, Windows and BlackBerry, as well as hybrid and HTML5 mobile web. Customers who standardize on Appcelerator’s solutions get to market 70 percent faster and achieve a significant competitive advantage. Appcelerator’s worldwide ecosystem includes 425,000 mobile developers and hundreds of ISVs and strategic partners including SAP and Cognizant. For more information visit www.appcelerator.com.
Appcelerator is a registered trademark of Appcelerator Inc. Appcelerator Titanium is a trademark of Appcelerator Inc. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
Source yahoo Finance

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