At the end of last week Adobe launched version 3.0 of its PhoneGap mobile application development platform which is popular with HTML5 developers.
PhoneGap now introduces a new plug-in architecture that “keeps your application small and fast.” adding that it will allow developers to just include the APIs you need, and plug-ins will then be automatically installed or removed as needed.
Addiitonal APIs include InAppBrowser that is used for displaying a browser within applications (name kinda gave it away already) and also a new Globalization API for checking a user’s locale and timezone.
Developers can also use the cordova utility in conjunction with the Tizen SDK. The Tizen SDK requires Linux Ubuntu 10.04/10.10/11.04/11.10 (32-bit), or Windows XP SP3/7 (32-bit) or Mac OSX.
You can find the platform guide here.
Source TechCrunch