In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, there comes many a time when you are presented with a conversation choice that will influence the outcome of the quest you’re currently aiming to complete.
This is definitely true within the Road to Hamartia questline where you’re given the choice to either tell Halfdan Faravid is planning an attack, or if he is honorable.
Below, we’ll discuss what happens when you choose either of the options so you can plan your strategy accordingly.
Faravid is honorable or Faravid planning an attack: Which is the best option?
When you begin the Road to Hamartia quest in Donecaestre, you’ll be thrown straight in at the deep end with Halfdan as he picks your brain as to what Faravid is planning.
After the initial conversation, you’ll be presented with two options regarding Faravid’s attack – Faravid is planning an attack and Faravid is honorable.
Naturally, you’d want to make the right decision for yourself here so here are the outcomes of both options:
Faravid is planning an attack
If you choose to tell the truth about Faravid going behind the back of Halfdan by wanting to attack the Picts, Halfdan will take note of your honesty.
Halfdan will then ask you to keep watch of Faravid and unearth his lies.
Faravid is honorable
If you choose to take Faravid’s side in this matter and tell the Jarl that Faravid is honorable, you will detail to Halfdan that you have fought with Faravid many times and he can be trusted.
Halfdan will unfortunately not believe you and go on to suggest Faravid has pulled the wool over your eyes.
He will then ask you to keep watch of Faravid.
Which is best?
So, to sum up, regardless of the option you choose, the actual outcome is the same – Halfdan telling you to keep a close eye on Faravid.
Telling the Jarl about the attack is technically the better option if you’re planning on doing a truthful run of the game but if you’re not doing a bit of role playing, there aren’t any deal breakers with either choice.
Once you’ve wrapped up your playthrough of Valhalla, take a trip to Japan in Assassin’s Creed Shadows which features two protagonists, potentially opening up extended dialogue options.