Home A New 100x Presale Gem Nearly Raises $2 Million – Could It Be the Next Dogeverse?

A New 100x Presale Gem Nearly Raises $2 Million – Could It Be the Next Dogeverse?

Base meme coins jumped by double digits today after the SEC vs. ETH news. Will this impact the presale surge of the new Base meme coin called Base Dawgz?

Base Dawgz has all the features of a top meme coin, and being on the fast-growing Base chain suggests it could see a big surge when it lists on exchanges.

Given its rising popularity, Base Dawgz is one of the key cryptocurrencies to watch right now.

Base Dawgz gains strong support from influencers and analysts, predicting massive returns

The 99Bitcoins YouTube team isn’t the only group optimistic about Base Dawgz. Influencers like Crypto Boy have also dubbed it the next 100x meme coin. Crypto analysts are among the most vocal supporters, recognizing the potential of $DAWGZ and wanting the crypto community to know about it.

Prominent analysts backing Base Dawgz include Jacob ‘Crypto’ Bury, who predicted $DAWGZ could deliver 100x gains after launch. YouTuber Matthew Perry went even further, telling his 220,000+ subscribers that $DAWGZ could be the next $BRETT.

Other analysts, such as Cilinix Crypto, TodayTrader, and STOCK INVESTOR, have also weighed in, predicting gains between 10x and 100x for this exciting new meme coin.

Base Dawgz sees strong presale demand, nearly reaches $2 million

Base Dawgz, a new meme coin on Coinbase’s Layer-2 blockchain Base, has raised over $1.9 million in one of the hottest presales of the year. The presale has been open for only few weeks, and its explosive start suggests that this token could soar higher after hitting exchanges.

Base Dawgz Presale Nearly Raises $2 Million

While the $DAWGZ token is native to Base, it also works with Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. This cross-chain compatibility ensures $DAWGZ will reach many traders during its launch. Investors can buy $DAWGZ on all five chains during the Base Dawgz presale.

The token is currently priced at $0.00527, a significant discount from the planned list price. However, the next price increase will occur in less than 3 days, so investors should act quickly to secure the best price. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Base Dawgz tokens here.

Don’t miss this chance to lock in a discounted price for one of the hottest multi-chain meme coins of the year and start earning extra $DAWGZ by promoting the project. Investors can contact the developer team through the project email or Telegram and follow the Base Dawgz X account for the latest updates.

Base Dawgz unique rewards and strong security measures

Base Dawgz is generating excitement for its presale with an innovative share-to-earn rewards system. Buyers of $DAWGZ tokens during the presale can earn additional coins by promoting Base Dawgz on social media.

The process is straightforward: investors connect their X accounts to the presale site and re-share content from the Base Dawgz X account, earning tokens each time they do. At the end of the presale, these tokens can be redeemed for extra $DAWGZ.

Base Dawgz also offers a traditional referral incentive. Investors who get friends and family to join the presale will earn a 10% cut of their purchase in $USDT. To further motivate $DAWGZ holders, the project will soon introduce a staking protocol on Ethereum. Investors can stake their holdings to earn attractive passive income.

These earning incentives turn Base Dawgz investors into ambassadors for the project, helping it reach a much wider community. This likely explains why the $DAWGZ presale has gained traction so quickly and why many analysts believe it could sell out and deliver substantial returns after launch.

As discussed on Blockchain Reporter X account, Pepe has seen a 10% gain following the SEC’s decision to drop its ETH investigation, while Base Dawgz approaches a $2 million presale, fueled by its multi-chain strategy and distinctive features.

Additionally, the development team has addressed common concerns associated with new meme coins. The token’s smart contract has been audited by Solid Proof, which found no vulnerabilities or centralization risks.

To participate in the $DAWGZ token presale, visit basedawgz.com.


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Alvin Hemedez
Crypto Writer

Alvin Hemedez is a cryptocurrency analyst, finding a talent for the technical side of blockchain with his background and degree in Industrial Engineering. Hailing from Los Baños, Calabarzon in the Philippines, Alvin's work experience includes managing the eCommerce side of Shopee PH, Singapore and South East Asia's equivalent of Amazon with a base in the Philippines. Alvin's current news coverage on ReadWrite includes a special focus on emerging projects and new ICOs.

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