Home Appistry Revamps its Big Data Analysis Products

Appistry Revamps its Big Data Analysis Products

Some of the larger-scale data deployments are handled by cloud software vendor Appistry and today they announced a new line of products to make massive data manipulations easier. Called (unfortunately) Ayrris, it will replace its existing CloudIQ line and focus on open scalable solutions for this space. The line includes Ayrris/Bio for next generation gene sequencing tasks, Ayrris/Defense for government and intelligence data apps, and Ayrris/Finance.

The biosciences product is taking the company into a new area and can be rapidly deployed to deliver genomic pipelines to market. Currently available solutions include pipelines for Human Exome, as well as Whole Genome Human, Bovine, Maize and a large number of other organisms. In the past, the large amounts of data generated by gene sequencing required a large amount of computer processing power, but Appistry is using its cloud-based technologies to be able to quickly scale up to handle these tasks.

All three products are useful to turn huge data repositories into actionable analyses and help their customers process the data in ways that heretofore required large and expensive computing installations.

We last covered Appistry here and they are used by a variety of large organizations, including Fedex, Northrop Grumman, and numerous US federal agencies.

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