Home Tizen talks at Fosdem 2014

Tizen talks at Fosdem 2014

FOSDEM is a free event that offers open source communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
It is renowned for being highly developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the world and it takes place this feb into BXL belgium.
Note this event, is free and mostly community supported, less bizness oriented than other events, this is the right balance and really needs attention …
This year there are many Tizen presentations, let me invite you to attend some of them that my workmates and I are cooking at the moment :
Contributing to the Tizen Project
Tizen : Apps, core, platform, hardware, what ? where ? how ? and when ?
Tizen IVI “from scratch”: customizing, building and testing
Setting up your own build system to mirror Tizen IVI and automate tests for your own requirements.

Security model using Smack for embedded systems
Small but secure
Tizen 3 Application Framework
A multi User App Framework for IVI
Porting legacy X11/GL applications to Wayland
OpenCPN and wxWidgets wrapped for Wayland

Also I have noticed other ones that might interest tizen developers
How to Build a Tizen Device at Home?

Managing the Car Cloud connection
ConnMan, systemd, and the Internet
Enlightenment as Standalone Wayland Compositor

Do It Yourself OSHW Linux Computer

I also plan to record some of them, and publish them on online, until that time you can have a look at existing ones from previous event linuxcon-eu-2013

Find us at Fosdem place, and also don’t miss sister community Jolla/SailfishOs (ex MeeGo) who is setting up some meting and I’ll be probably part of it too.
Source: https://dockr.eurogiciel.fr/blogs/embedded/invitation-to-tizen-talks-at-fosdem-2014/
Licence: CC-BY-SA

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