Home Waze for N900/N9/N950

Waze for N900/N9/N950

Waze is a free, community-based traffic & navigation app
Install link for N9/N950
Install link for N900
Upgrade the base code to Waze v2.4.0 which add a lot of features, like: (the next are taken from the Waze official changelog – with small comments where related to this Qt port)
* Complete voice guidance using natural text-to-speech capabilities (English USA and Canada only. More languages coming soon!)
* Road shields and improved map graphics display (Qt port need fixing here)
* Animated display of top contributing wazers
* Automatic centering on map after panning
* Night mode settings saved if not in auto night mode
* Alert popup screen modification
* Shuffle ‘start driving’ prompt (English only)
* Alternative routes button in navigation menu and new display of routes selection on map
* New ETA update messages
* Improved routing request in case of poor network connectivity (Qt port need fixing here)
* Async logs upload
* Updated alerts list with number of comments and number of thumbs up
* My waze menu (Qt port will modify this in future versions)
* Vocal navigation instructions fix (for non English languages)
* UTF Long text trimming
* Various crash fixes
– When canceling an address search, Waze may crash
– Multitouch gestures on the N9/N950 are a little hyperactive…
– Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
– Optional: To remove the data of the previous installation before upgrading, you should remove ~/.waze & ~/MyDocs/.waze
19-Dec-11 – v0.0.4 – codename: “Look Maw, no hands!”
Install link for N9/N950
Install link for N900
* Native keyboard support
* Fix map download
* Initial multitouch gestures support – rotate & zoom (N9/N950)
* Fixed speed reading (N900)
– When canceling an address search, Waze may crash
– Multitouch gestures on the N9/N950 are a little hyperactive…
– Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
– Optional: To remove the data of the previous installation before upgrading, you should remove ~/.waze & ~/MyDocs/.waze
A clip showing the new version on the N900 & N950
3-Dec-11 – v0.0.3 – codename: “Terrific jam”
Install link for N9/N950
Install link for N900
* Navigate to a contact’s saved address
* Volume control (in general settings)
* Disable screensaver (in general settings)
* Fixed speed reading (only in N950, still bad on N900)
– When a previous release was installed, Waze will close itself after the upgrade configuration is done – you can use it as usual afterwards.
– Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
– Optional: To remove the data of the previous installation before upgrading, you should remove ~/.waze & ~/MyDocs/.waze
23-Nov-11 – v0.0.2 – codename: “Your thanks, my giving”
Install link for N9/N950
Install link for N900
* Fix the flickering
* Make the media files (audio/images) not show on the gallery/mediaplayer
* Other than that, all of the known issues of the preview release
* You should run `rm -rf /home/user/MyDocs/.waze` before installing this new version
* Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
19-Nov-11 – Preview release – codename: “The flickerer” or “I owe my wife 3 weeks worth of hugs”
Install link for N9/N950
Install link for N900
This is a preview release which suffers from the following known issues:
* Screen flickers – a lot
* Some texts are cropped or missing
* Some images are missing
* Get address from phone contact – not implemented yet
* HW Keyboard support – not implemented yet
* OS virtual keyboard support – not implemented yet
* Application closes upon certain settings change
* Phone camera usage is not implemented yet
* Some action related clicks are not played
* The Waze media files are shown in the phone gallery & music applications – don’t erase them…
* Screen does not stay lit when navigating
10-Nov-11 – Still in works, no release yet
an N950 clip and an N900 clip showing what it looked like in the mid stages of working on the preview release.
Project page: http://code.google.com/p/waze-qt/
Source Maemo.Org

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