When browsing through websites we see hundreds of images a day that we think are cool. Some of us may download these images to our desktop. Others may bookmark them in their browser or add them to their Flickr account. However, as the web changes and we look for more useful ways to manage our interests, services are popping up that manage our interests for us. Here’s a look at 3 neat sites to save images to and share with friends.
Vi.sualize.us is a great social bookmarking service for images. You can think of it as the Delicious for images. A place where the cool photos hang out. If you head to their homepage, you’ll see a ton of great images that users of the service have recently added. From fashion to architecture, you’ll have a blast going through the archives of users on vi.sualize.us. We recommend using their Firefox plugin to bookmark images whenever you’d like by simply right-clicking on an image to save it. You can also embed your latest bookmarked images on your blog or subscribe to a friend’s RSS feed for vi.sualize.us.
Ffffound! was one of the first image bookmarking services to hit the scene. With a fantastic selection of images to browse through, the only downside to this service is that it’s invitation only. A bookmarklet and IE extension are provided to make it easier for users to bookmark images to their Ffffound account. A neat twist that this service has is that the more images you bookmark, the more the service will recommend personalized images for your viewing pleasure for a more dynamic experience.
We Heart It
We Heart It appears to be more of a Ffffound! clone with a better user interface. Still, the service is pretty appealing with great images, social tagging, and commenting, which Ffffound! happens to lacks. We Heart It provides a bookmarklet for saving images and videos from Vimeo or Youtube. However, this bookmarklet does not work in IE.
Bookmarking Taken to the Next Level
Bookmarking is going further than we might have originally expected. We can now bookmark images, links, save webpages just the way we found them and tons more. I’d love to see these sites incorporate the ability to upload photos that we take from our cellphones. After all, those are images too. Let us know what you think the next step for bookmarking will be. With We Heart It‘s ability to bookmark videos, what will we see next?