Home 300,000 Tether (USDT) Pot At Crypto Poker Site CoinPoker – Tony G Vs Whale

300,000 Tether (USDT) Pot At Crypto Poker Site CoinPoker – Tony G Vs Whale

Cryptocurrency poker website ‘CoinPoker’ hosted high stakes action this weekend, with celebrity player Tony G and a whale in the thick of the heads up action.

Tracked on the 2+2 poker forum, the hand began at a 1000/2000 PLO table with Tony G sitting on 547k stack, and nvoskob1986 sitting with 152k – who opened with a preflop raise to 6k.

Tony G threebet to 18k, which nvoskob1986 called, and continuation bet a rainbow flop of Ace, five, Jack.

After some deliberation nvoskob1986 raised all in, which Tony G quickly called.

Tony G Bets Big At CoinPoker

CoinPoker hand high stakes Tony G

Source – rakeback.com

The turn and river were blanks and nvoskob1986 revealed a flopped two pair, Aces and fives.

Tony G had flopped top two with a backdoor diamond flush draw – having 86% equity when the money went in – which held up, and he took down the 304,575 USDT pot.

What Is CoinPoker?

CoinPoker, being open to worldwide players that deposit anonymously with cryptocurrency – is known for high stakes pots, home to the largest online poker pot in history ($7.75 million).

CoinPoker Tony G

Tony G won another 222k pot above against the same whale with a full house after flopping a set.

This weekends action caught the attention of poker forum posters as it also takes place during the site’s ‘Crypto Series Of Poker’ (CSOP), a 41-tournament event running now until April 28.

Across the CSOP a million dollars (Tether) in prize money is up for grabs, plus an additional 10,000 USDT for the best-ranked leaderboard players.

On the completely decentralized site players can even use a MetaMask wallet signature to sign in and play, and then seamlessly deposit with Tether, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Polygon or its native token CoinPoker (CHP) which is used to unlock 33% rakeback.

See our full guide to the best poker sites including several others like CoinPoker that accept crypto deposits.

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James Spillane
Crypto Writer

James Spillane is a crypto trader and writer, producing analytical articles for ReadWrite on the latest market trends and price action of trending assets. Hailing from the UK, James is a BSc Physics graduate from Imperial College London and former Cadet Force Adult Volunteer with Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force. When not writing and editing, James enjoys working out and travelling, currently working remotely in South East Asia. James' latest coverage focuses on the growing meme coin market, tracking assets like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu and newer contenders to their market share.

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