The folks over at Hulu have made 2500 invites available for the closed beta of the Hulu service for ReadWriteWeb readers.
Hulu is a joint venture between News Corp. and NBC Universal that puts popular television content from those companies online. It’s ad supported (via pre and mid-roll ads) and the videos are quite high quality. Popular shows include 24, The Simpsons, Family Guy, 30 Rock, The Office, House, and my favorite, Psych.
Our network blog, last100, has written often about Hulu. Though pre-launch reports were less than stellar, since launch, things have looked bright for the service. Early reviews for the service were generally positive (or at least not as negative as expected), often from the same bloggers who had panned the service prior to launch.
We called the launch “umpressive,” but now it’s your turn to decide for yourself.
Invites are on a first come basis and are available at this link.