Home Grayscale Survey Highlights Bitcoin’s Significance In 2024 US Elections; as New Meme Proves Popular

Grayscale Survey Highlights Bitcoin’s Significance In 2024 US Elections; as New Meme Proves Popular


  • Grayscale’s report reveals Bitcoin’s (BTC) growing influence in the 2024 elections, with more voters considering candidates’ stances on crypto.
  • Rebel Satoshi Arcade (RECQ) is a new low-cap token favored by investors for its features and utilities that promise significant potential gains. It is poised to dominate the next crypto bull run, integrating popular crypto trends like GameFi, memes, and NFTs.

As the 2024 U.S. elections nears, a recent report by Grayscale highlights the significant impact Bitcoin (BTC) has on voter preferences. Simultaneously, Rebel Satoshi Arcade (RECQ), a rising star in the ETH memecoins market, is attracting savvy investors with its unique blend of GameFi, memes, and NFTs.

Although BTC is enjoying mass adoption, as highlighted in Grayscale’s report, investors are turning to RECQ since it offers lucrative investment opportunities. Read on to learn more!

Grayscale Report on Bitcoin’s Influence in 2024 Elections

Recently, Grayscale highlighted Bitcoin’s (BTC) increased influence in the 2024 elections in its exclusive report. Geopolitical tensions and inflation have pushed a growing number of American voters to turn to Bitcoin, based on a recent Harris Poll survey of potential U.S. voters.

The survey was funded by Bitcoin ETF issuer Grayscale, and it highlighted that one in three U.S. voters would consider a political candidate’s stand on crypto markets before determining how to vote.

41% of voters are keen on Bitcoin and other crypto assets because of geopolitical tensions, a weakening U.S. dollar, and inflation, a surge from 34% in November 2023.

Moreover, 47% of respondents expect to include Bitcoin and other cryptos in their investment portfolios. Inflation is the leading issue for voters (28%), boosting the appeal of assets such as BTC, which has a hard-capped supply and is transparent.

Notable events like the U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF approval in January 2024 and Bitcoin halving in April 2024 have increased voter interest in investing in BTC. Moreover, after the ETF approval, 9% of retired voters also have an increased interest in investing in Bitcoin and other crypto assets.

Grayscale highlighted BTC’s strong performance this year, with its price hitting a new all-time high on March 13. It sparked speculation that the forthcoming election might be called “the Bitcoin Election.” This attention is not limited to BTC but extends to a wide range of crypto assets.

In the first week of June, BTC was trading at $69,706.18, up 1.87% in the past week. Experts believe BTC will rise to $72,800.15 in June, powered by increased demand and adoption. Hence, it is a good crypto to buy today.

Rebel Satoshi: A Promising Investment Opportunity in the Crypto Market

Rebel Satoshi is a new token that has become a favorite among savvy investors. Right from the start, it is designed with features and utilities that offer it massive upside potential, although it is a low-cap coin. Therefore, riding its massive bullish wave from its early stages positions Rebel Satoshi investors in line for massive profits.

RECQ is a leading blockchain ICO that is rapidly becoming a favorite among new and experienced investors. It is considered a promising investment opportunity that will dominate the next crypto bull run.

Its unique feature is its impressive blend with the trendiest crypto narratives: GameFi, memes, and cool NFTs. Interestingly, its appeal spreads far and wide, which paints a bullish picture and sets RECQ up for mass adoption.

Moreover, Rebel Satoshi is a community-based ecosystem that will host many new and reimagined games, offering rebel gamers a shot at enjoying the gameplay and huge rewards. It also sets itself apart with its NFT marketplace and merchandise store, which are designed at the core of Rebel Satoshi’s ecosystem.

Besides profits, RECQ’s community-powered ecosystem sets it up for increased adoption, pushing its demand higher and making it one of the trending memecoins in the crypto market.

The other Rebel Satoshi token, RBLZ, offers users voting rights for forthcoming community decisions and many other additional benefits, such as staking rewards and access to exclusive NFT airdrops. Moreover, RBLZ raised over $2.5 million in its presale phase and currently trades for $0.025 on multiple crypto exchange platforms, including Uniswap.

While RECQ prepares for mass adoption as a utility-backed memecoin and an active ecosystem, its current price has been said to be undervalued. RECQ is in Stage 2 of its blockchain ICO presale, valued at $0.0044, and new investors will enjoy an 184% ROI once it hits its listing price of $0.0125.

The price increase hints at increased confidence in RECQ’s potential, highlighting why it ranks among the top ETH memecoins in the market. Analysts believe that RECQ will gain over 10x once it lists on mainstream exchanges, making it one of the best cryptos to buy now.

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram.

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Olaleye is a professional reporter with vast experience in web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFT journalism. He enjoys writing about the evolving metaverse sphere and the prevalence in the crypto sphere. Notably, some of his contents have been published in numerous international publications. Away from the crypto world, Olaleye is a political scientist and a lover of football.

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