Home The First Microsoft Lumia Smartphone Could Be Here On Tuesday

The First Microsoft Lumia Smartphone Could Be Here On Tuesday

Microsoft, fresh from excising the Nokia name from its smartphones, is preparing to introduce its first devices under the Microsoft Lumia brand on November 11.

It’s the briefest sliver of an announcement pushed out via email and posted on its blog, with one headline, one sentence and a hashtag:

Microsoft is delivering the power of everyday mobile technology to everyone.

Come back on November 11, to find out more!


The device in the accompanying graphic is orange, so the company may be continuing its pursuit of fruit-colored handsets. Considering the timing of the announcement, we might even see Microsoft Lumias hit the market in time for the holiday shopping rush.

See also: Goodbye, Nokia Lumia—Hello, Microsoft Lumia

But anyone hoping for a high-end Lumia, no matter the name, might be disappointed. According to recent rumors, a low-end smartphone (referred to as RM-1090) could be a new Microsoft device with a 5-inch HD display, 1.2 GHz Snapdragon 200 processor, a 5MP camera and 1900 milliampere-hour battery.

If that’s what Microsoft plans to pull out next week, then it will be pretty anti-climactic after drastic moves to amputate Nokia’s staff and brand name from Microsoft’s mobile business. We’ll find out on Tuesday. 

Image courtesy of Microsoft

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