Home ‘WienerAI’ Raises Over $2 Million in Crypto Presale – Best Meme Coin to Buy Now?

‘WienerAI’ Raises Over $2 Million in Crypto Presale – Best Meme Coin to Buy Now?

The crypto community has witnessed the appearance of yet another meme coin, and this one has a rather peculiar name – WienerAI. This new meme coin has managed to raise over $2 million in its ongoing crypto presale within just a few weeks of its launch.

This milestone highlights the continued interest and enthusiasm surrounding meme coins in this bull run, as we all remember what happened earlier this year with BONK, WIF, PEPE or most recently Slothana.

WienerAI – Best Meme Coin to Invest in 2024?

At the time of writing, 1 $WAI token is priced at $0.000708 during the presale, with the price expected to increase in just over a day. The project has already raised over $2.1 million.

WienerAI is a meme coin inspired by the popular internet culture of dog memes and sausage jokes. However, it aims to be beyond than just a meme token – it also incorporates AI technology to provide utility as a trading bot and automated trading platform.

Key Features:

AI Trading Bot: WienerAI’s core feature is an AI-powered trading bot that aims to provide users with an “unfair advantage” in crypto trading by leveraging advanced AI capabilities. The bot can analyze market data and execute trades automatically.

Staking Rewards: WienerAI offers lucrative staking rewards with an annual percentage yield (APY) of around 454% for early stakers, at the time of writing. This APY is expected to decrease as more users stake their tokens. Currently, 2,280,216,527 WAI tokens are already staked.

WienerAI is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. You can buy WAI token via their official presale website with ETH, USDT or credit card.

How Does WienerAI Work?

WienerAI combines meme appeal with AI-driven utility in the following ways:

Meme Branding: The project embraces dog and sausage memes in its branding, marketing, and community-building efforts, aiming to attract meme coin enthusiasts and leverage the popularity of such internet culture.

AI Trading Platform: Behind the meme facade, WienerAI claims to offer a “revolutionary AI trading platform” with “unparalleled capabilities” powered by its AI trading bot technology. Users can supposedly leverage this AI for automated trading strategies.

Token Utility: The WAI token is used for staking to earn rewards, providing liquidity on exchanges, and potentially accessing the AI trading features of the platform in the future.

Marketing Efforts

WienerAI has been actively promoting its project, with several YouTubers posting positive videos about the meme coin, likely part of a marketing deal with the team.

For instance, ClayBro, a YouTuber with over 129k subscribers, highlighted WienerAI’s staking feature, emphasizing the high annualized interest rates (454%), options for passive income through staking, and the absence of fees associated with transactions and Mev bot protection.

Furthermore, WienerAI’s official X account is highly active, posting daily updates about the presale progress, development activity, and more.

The account boasts over 9k followers. Additionally, their Telegram group has garnered a following of 6k members, indicative of a growing community around the project.


While meme coins often attract skepticism and criticism from some corners of the crypto community, their success this year suggest there is still an appetite for these speculative cryptos. WienerAI is a potentially next meme coin to watch, particularly when combined with the promise of utility and novel features.


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Petar Jovanović
Crypto Writer

Petar Jovanović brings years of experience in the crypto industry to ReadWrite. With a strong belief in the potential of the web3 market since 2017, he's passionate about sharing valuable insights and knowledge. Based in Serbia, Petar graduated in Economics at the University of Niš, and went on to become the Head of Content at Captain Altcoin, an online magazine covering all things blockchain. His work has also been published on BeInCrypto and German site Kryptozeitung. Feel free to connect with Petar to discuss the exciting world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized technologies.

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