There are, of course, already numerous Twitter search engines at this point and every new one will have to offer users a very good reason to switch from their current favorite. Tweetmi is jumping into the fray with a Twitter search engine that focuses on presenting users with a more personalized view. While the service also works well as a regular real-time Twitter search engine, users who sign in to Tweetmi will also see the most active users in their Twitter stream and the top stories from the people they already follow.

In addition, Tweetmi allows users who are signed in through Twitter’s Oauth login mechanism to quickly reply and retweet any story. In this respect, Tweetmi is quite similar to Twazzup, which also gives users the ability to interact with Twitter directly. Unlike Twazzup, though, Tweetmi doesn’t offer the ability to save searches, however.

Become a Fan
One feature that makes Tweetmi unique is that it gives users the option to become ‘fans’ of a certain topic. While this is definitely an interesting concept, users actually have to send out a tweet about the fact that they are now fans of ‘RWW’ or ‘Follow Friday,’ which somehwat limits the usefulness of this feature.
Another feature we liked is that the application can show you a list of all the Twitter users who tweeted a popular link. Like most Twitter search engines, Tweemi displays a list of the most popular links about a topic in a sidebar.
Given that there are already numerous Twitter search engines and more comprehensive real-time search engines like OneRiot on the market, Tweetmi will probably have a bit of a struggle to attract a dedicated user base. It is however, a perfectly capable Twitter search engine that offers all the typical features you would expect and definitely worth a try.