Home Sims 4 gets a huge patch full of fixes, new stuff, and the dreaded ‘stink cloud’ bug is removed

Sims 4 gets a huge patch full of fixes, new stuff, and the dreaded ‘stink cloud’ bug is removed

The Sims 4 continues to go strong even amid the rumors of advancements in the Sims 5 world – that is still a long way away yet and Electronic Arts’ masterstroke of finally making Sims 4 free to play last year has brought many more people to the franchise – and doubtless, those many more people have spent many more dollars on non-free DLC. Clever, clever.

This week’s big Sims 4 patch fixes a lot of annoyances that are still around even after all this time. Perfectly healthy plants no longer emit stink clouds finally and a lot of work has been done around profanity reporting in the gallery to help keep younger players safe.

So let’s have a peek at what’s changed in this latest Sims 4 update.

Latest Sims 4 patch notes

A large amount of bug fixes for the various aspects of Sims 4 here. Waaaaay too many to list them all so we have picked out some of the key bits that piqued our interest.

Bug Fixes

PC: / Mac: / Console: 1.91

Base Game
Plants that are alive and well will no longer emit green “stink clouds” as if they were dead. Translations related to this fix will be available in the next release!
After enforcing regulations with the Landgraab Power Company, power on a Sim’s lot will no longer be unexpectedly shut off when bills are paid in full.
What an identity crisis! Simmers playing in any language besides English will no longer see the First and Last Name panel blank in CAS for Sims that have selected pronouns.
Um, wasn’t this supposed to be a group activity? When doing Group Cooking, all Sims will now participate.

Gallery Server
We have been continually reviewing your Gallery profanity reports, which can be submitted through the The Sims 4 Gallery Profanity Filter Feedback survey, and we have been updating the ruleset to allow Simmer freedom while keeping others safe. A couple of highlights include:

Reducing the strictness of how hashtags were handled when listed in specific orders
Maxis-created Sims, even from past Sims games, should no longer be prevented from uploading if you choose to recreate one or more

Eco Lifestyle
We fixed an issue where The Dew Collector was not collecting any water. Now, it will correctly collect water, and the water level will continue to rise.

High School Years
Timestamps are now updated properly on the Social Bunny App. Phew, talk about FOMO!

Horse Ranch
While admirable, Sims will no longer express a desire to level up their Nectar Making skill, when that skill is already maxed out.
Yipee, Horse Riding now helps Sims lose weight!

For Rent
In this economy?! The maximum available rent value will no longer lower after evicting a tenant during a grace period in 11C Sungai Point.
Yikes. Now, this is going to require an audit! Landlords who own a Residential Rental Lot and own a business will no longer have fund transfer issues. Transfers from the business to the household will no longer fail, and money will no longer duplicate household funds when transferring to a business.

Realm of Magic
What a conundrum! When aliens abduct Spellcasters, they will now become pregnant and give birth to an alien baby instead of a Sim baby.

Tastes like kibble! After taking the ‘Wolf-B-Gone’ drink, Sims will no longer have a fury glow still showing.
Updated a series of CAS accessories that were originally showing up for werewolves, even though those accessories were not applicable to werewolves.

There’s a lot more on the official Sims 4 site if you want to check out the full thing.

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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