Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • Work
    Analysis: Are We Ready to Become Friends With Things?

    It may seem less of a shock to those who experience history as a constant, flowing stream, who perceive events as progressions rather than snapshots, who remember the recent, and then the distant, past by rewinding their memories past last week, last year, the year before, to eventually arrive at...

  • Work
    Free API For Sentiment Analysis From ViralHeat

    If you use tools such as Radian6 to analyze how the social Web is talking about your company, brands or products, perhaps it might be time to take a look at what you can get for free from the competition ViralHeat. Starting today, they will offer a free developer account...

  • Mobile
    New Portal Provides Social Media Analysis for Tablet Market

    Social media analytics firm SocialNuggets has today launched a new portal for tracking real-time sentiment from consumers regarding tablet market trends. On the site, the firm will track information related to brands, products, pricing, features, applications and marketing campaigns. The goal is to provide consumers with more insight into their...

  • Work
    CloudShark Brings SaaS to Network Packet Capture Analysis

    Many of you are familiar with the packet capture tools Ethereal, Netscout's Snifffer or Wireshark. All of these are very useful for debugging network-related problems. The problem is that you have to run one of these tools on a computer with special drivers to enable the capture, and sharing the...

  • Work
    Tracking the Online Threat Analysis Centers

    While the Homeland Security Department no longer color-codes its threat levels, several security vendors offer up their own dashboards with all sorts of eye candy designed to keep track of which viruses and malware are heading yourway. Here is a brief rundown of the more popular services. All of them...

  • Hack
    Better Text Analysis With Saplo’s New API

    The Swedish startup Saplo has released a new text analysis API today that should help developers build tools to tap into the company's semantic technology platform. This should allow people to build their own personalization or recommendation apps based on contextual meaning rather than solely on tags or keywords.The API...

  • Web
    Digital Urdu: New Software Improves Data Analysis of Pakistan’s National Language

    The extent to which social media sites like Twitter and Facebook play a role in the recent political uprisings in Tunisa, Egypt, Bahrain and so on continues to be a source of debate. What is more clear, however, is that the major languages of these regions are not well-served by...

  • Web
    Digital Language Analysis Uncovers Truth of Irish Rebellion

    Researchers from the University of Aberdeen joined forces with IBM's LanguageWare research team over the last year to understand a key moment in history.Using LanguageWare as a basis, the team created a set of digital language analysis tools, including one they called Wordsmith, and used them to understand the creation...

  • Web
    How Apple Uses Hadoop: UX Analysis, iAds and More

    A job posting from Apple reveals the company is using or will use Hadoop for its iAds system. The job listing is for a "Senior Software Engineer - Hadoop" with experience in MapReduce, Hive and either HBase or Cassandra. Oozie and Flume are also mentioned. The ad was first spotted...

  • Work
    Conduct Social Media Sentiment Analysis Research with SMART@zmeb

    Yesterday SMART@znmeb (SMART stands for "social media analytics research toolkit"), a SUSE Linux appliance created by Ed Borasky, added sentiment analysis to its set of features. The toolkit now includes texttir, a sentiment analysis package created in the statistical programming language R. SMART@znmeb includes other open source tools that include...

  • Web
    Mapping Our Friendships Over Time and Space: The Future of Social Network Analysis

    What new things could we discover if social network analysis took time and space into account, in addition to the raw connections between people? In most cases, social network analysis today is limited to discovering friend connections, community leaders and outlines, influential people and personal friend recommendations - in a...

  • Web
    Mapping Our Friendships Over Time and Space: The Future of Social Network Analysis

    What new things could we discover if social network analysis took time and space into account, in addition to the raw connections between people? In most cases, social network analysis today is limited to discovering friend connections, community leaders and outlines, influential people and personal friend recommendations - in a...

  • Social
    Littlecosm: An MMORPG Twitter Client With Sentiment Analysis

    Tokyo-based serial software developer Jon Yongfook Cockle has begun to unveil his latest creation, a web and mobile Twitter client in the form of a sentiment-analysis based Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. It's called Littlecosm. Given the man who's making it, it's sure to be interesting.Yongfook's previous work includes a...

  • Web
    Needlebase: Get This DIY Web Analysis Tool Before Google Does (Invites)

    You may have heard about the do-it-yourself structured data extraction and management service called Needlebase, which Google will acquire along with its parent company ITA Software if regulators aprove the merger. ITA will power travel search results for Google, and I'm sure that will be great, but Needlebase is a...

  • Mobile
    Android Users Crowd-Source Air Pollution Analysis

    Computer scientists at the University of California's School of Engineering have launched an Android app called Visibility, which crowd-sources the task of analyzing and measuring air pollution. Using the phone's camera, Android users simply point their phone at the sky and snap a photo. The app then taps into the...

  • Social
    Analysis: What are the Web’s Top Sources of Referral Traffic?

    If there's one thing we know about Web authors it's that they are constantly seeking new sources of traffic for their content. It doesn't matter if you're a blogger, a marketing manager or a small business owner, there is simply no reason to invest time with content creation and Web...

  • Work
    Social Media Analysis: SAS Makes Its Play

    SAS introduced a social media analytics program today that will compete against the major metrics players such as Radian 6 and WebTrends. The new service shows once again how blogs and social networks are deeply influencing marketing, customer support and product groups within the enterprise.The SAS Social Media analytics service...

  • Web
    More Twitter Analysis: Influencers Don’t Retweet

    As part of our ongoing series in conjunction with Tableau Software and TweetStats, we've been looking at some of Twitter's most influential users. What it means to be a "top" user on Twitter has changed a lot since 2007. Recently we found out that a high number of followers, which...

  • Social
    Twitter Analysis: Influencers Still Signing Up; Lots of Followers Doesn’t Equal Lots of Lists

    Twitter launched lists in October 2009 and this feature has quickly become an essential part of the Twitter ecosystem. The power of lists isn't just in their ability to organize your followers, they also provide an an insight into how other users use Twitter. The number of followers an account...

  • Social
    Beyond Twitter Search: Semantic Analysis of the Real-Time Web

    Many of you probably never heard of the Ellerdale project until this week, when Twitter announced it was one of the company's new partners in receiving the "firehose" of Twitter data, a full feed stream of tweets that was, prior to Monday, only available to the major players like Yahoo!,...

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