Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • Web
    How Tech Protects The President: Audio Analysis

    New audio technology can pinpoint the location and precise time of a gunshot -- even the type of gun that fired it -- up to 2,000 yards away. Shotspotter is that technology, and the third and final installment in this series on the technology protecting the President. SST Inc., the Mountain View,...

  • Web
    Tech That Protects The President: Image Analysis

    "Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see," Edgar Allan Poe wrote in his 1845 masterpiece "The Tell-Tale Heart." Almost 170 years later, imaging software with artificial intelligence capabilities is making it easier to believe all of what a camera sees. (Part 2 of a 3-part series on technology...

  • Web
    Google I/O: ReadWriteWeb’s Live Analysis is About to Begin

    Photo by Eliot Weisberg/ReadWriteWeb. Creative Commons licensed.Over 5,000 people have gathered at Moscone Center in San Francisco for the opening keynote of Google I/O. There's a disorganized horde of people - mostly white, mostly male - on the second floor, eager to get good seats upstairs, slow-clapping in anticipation. We're...

  • Smartphone
    Application – Newsy – Video News Analysis – MeeGo Harmattan

      Newsy promises to deliver news through multiple sources straight to your Nokia N9 and also to "... accelerates your understanding of a news story by analyzing perspectives from multiple sources". This does seem a bit of a tall order but of using it ive found it to have some...

  • Hack
    MapR Hadoop Expands Data Analysis Tools

    MapR today announced a comprehensive set of data connection options for Hadoop enabling a wide range of data import and export options to extend the ability to connect to data warehouses and applications such as Talend Open Studio, Pentaho Kettle and an OBDC driver. A summary of the announcement from...

  • Work
    The Mac Comeback: Analysis Reveals 46% of Companies Issue Macs

    Over six years ago, I rounded up a group of analysts to elicit their opinions on what was then a startling trend: People who purchased iPods were then purchasing Macs. Was it a fluke, I asked? Some said maybe not: Buyers were learning to trust the Apple brand again. But...

  • Web
    Legal Analysis: How the Megaupload Defense Could Proceed

    There will be two battles fought simultaneously in defense of Megaupload, the cyberlocker site accused by the U.S. of hosting and publicizing illicit copyrighted material. One is in the public arena, where we can expect the defendant to portray itself as Robin Hood, not so much stealing content from the...

  • Web
    Google Searches vs. Sentiment Analysis: Which Is The Real Zeitgeist?

    Last week, Google released it's Zeitgeist 2011 report, offering insights into how the world searched. The top searches overall are predictable - Rebecca Black, iPhone 5, Casey Anthony - but drilling down into specific categories reveals some pertinent trends in what interested Web searchers this year.Sentiment analysis firm General Sentiment...

  • Work
    New Yahoo Content Analysis API Available Today

    Today, Yahoo posted on their developer network blog an announcement of a new content analysis API. Its aim is to rank content by overall relevance, point to particular Wikipedia pages and annotate the results with extensive meta-data. The service is available as a Yahoo Query Language (YQL) table and more...

  • Work
    Legal Analysis of SOPA / PROTECT-IP: No, It’s Not Censorship

    The opposition to this year's round of anti-piracy bills in Congress - the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, and the PROTECT-IP Act in the Senate - centers around the idea that the intention of such a law would be to facilitate government censorship. Such opposition reached its...

  • Mobile
    Analysis: Android Dominates Q3 Worldwide Smartphone Sales

    Research firm Gartner has come out with its third quarter global mobile sales numbers and overall, the industry grew 5.6% from the same period last year. About 440.5 million cellphones were sold, with 115 million of those being of the smart variety, a 42% growth rate from Q3 2010 but...

  • Hack
    Analysis: Adobe Had to Cut Its Losses With Mobile Flash

    It isn't easy to make the case that a product and a technology are mutually dependent and inseparable, in the same paragraph with a statement that you're going to be separating them for the benefit of both. This afternoon, Adobe is giving it one heck of a try, in a...

  • Work
    Analysis: Anti-piracy Law, and the Whole Copyright vs. Freedom Thing

    We do this dance at least twice a year now, and we're starting to get the steps so well memorized that once we hear the familiar tune, we start stepping to the beat without a moment's thought. It's the Anti-piracy Shuffle, and one defining element of its choreography is that...

  • Web
    IBM Offers Free Big Data Analysis Tool for iPads

    A new IBM Cognos Mobile free app from IBM's Cognos division makes it easy to explore any type of data on the go with location-aware analytics. Called Cognos on the iPad , the Cincinnati Zoo has used it to give management instant access, and a single view of visitor and...

  • Work
    Do Sentiment Analysis With Chrome Plug-ins

    Can sentiment analysis be as simple as installing a browser plug-in and scrolling down a screen? You bet, and you might want to check out the latest from ViralHeat. In a matter of minutes, you too can be getting in touch with your feelings, or at least the feelings of...

  • Hack
    Be One of the First to Try This New Sentiment Analysis Tool From Proliphiq

    Sentiment analysis is all the rage these days - the ability not to just track what is being said about a particular subject but how the post is characterized - and as we've written about most recently last month here no one really has a lock on this corner of...

  • Web
    The Future of Sentiment Analysis

    Online content is published so fast and furious these days that no one can read it all. Ears are burning at corporate brands, too, because much of that Web content is talking about them. What are people saying? One part of answering that question is to ask how people seem...

  • Work
    Analysis: The Desktop OS May Be Dying, Not the Desktop

    There are any number of reasons you may want to praise the new usage model being previewed by Microsoft for Windows 8. Like many, you may come to appreciate the company's apparently enhanced understanding of the requirements of the mobile user. Financial analysts had been worried about whether Microsoft could...

  • Work
    Analysis: What Windows 8 Should Become

    You can see the changes when you walk down the departure gates at the airport. The Apple logos are everywhere. At the recharging stations, at least half of the notebook computers are MacBooks. And if you can see everyone's phones, you'll notice this: Most iPhone users have a Mac. Every...

  • Web
    Appistry Revamps its Big Data Analysis Products

    Some of the larger-scale data deployments are handled by cloud software vendor Appistry and today they announced a new line of products to make massive data manipulations easier. Called (unfortunately) Ayrris, it will replace its existing CloudIQ line and focus on open scalable solutions for this space. The line includes...

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