Results for "8"

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  • Web
    Gillmor Gang Explores RSS and Content Business

    Interesting edition of the Gillmor Gang this week, focusing on RSS and Web content models. The guests were Stephen O'Grady from analyst firm Redmonk and Rafat Ali from the excellent Udell launched into an interesting spiel around the 18 minute mark. He talked about some of the usage scenarios...

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    Making it come alive

    This year I've been focusing on Web 2.0 themes in my posts, but yesterday I received two emails from people responding to a couple of older Read/Write Web posts. Those emails reminded me of the personal nature of blogging and that it's about keeping it real.The first email was from...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 January 2005

    Some of the Web 2.0 trends and talk I tracked this week... accompanied by some dodgy Austin Powers subheaders.Tagalicious, baby, yeah!Flickr and made tagging cool, now every social software app is doing it. Technorati, The Robot Co-op and Metafilter were among the companies braggin' about taggin' this week. There...

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    Why Topic/Tag/Remix Feeds Are The Future of RSS

    To follow-up on my rather bold prediction for RSS in my previous post: "in the not too distant future, more people will subscribe to topic/tag/remix feeds than feeds of actual people." One of the reasons I think this may eventuate is that blogging is and always will be a minority sport...

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    Remixing and Speculation on The Future of RSS

    Amazon DevCon is happening right now and happily the Amazon Web Services Blog is blogging it in "near-real-time" (hat-tip to Greg Linden for linking to it). I haven't browsed through all the notes from day 1 yet, but I feel compelled to post about Rael Dornfest's speech on the subject...

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    Lawyer asks Bloglines to remove his feed

    Looks like the first salvo has been fired in what is sure to be an ongoing controversy over contextual advertising using RSS. Martin Schwimmer, a trademark lawyer, has asked Bloglines to remove his RSS feed from their service - and Bloglines has complied. Schwimmer publishes his website using a Creative...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 9-15 January 2005

    Time for a look back at the week that was in Web 2.0. In no particular order...1. Gizmodo's 4-part interview with Bill Gates ended with Bill insisting that DRM is a good thing because it protects your medical records (or something like that). In part one of the interview, Gates...

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    More Thoughts on RSS Aggregator Market Share quoted me in their article entitled Benchmark For RSS Client Market Share?, a news story covering Feedburner's RSS Aggregator stats. It's the first time I've been used in the media as a source, so I'm quite chuffed. They didn't contact me, just quoted from my blog - which is...

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    Feedburner’s RSS Aggregator Market Share stats

    Great news! Prompted by my December post about RSS Reader Market Share, Feedburner (the company I selected as the most promising Web 2.0 company of 2004/5) has just released their own RSS Aggregator stats. This is exactly what I asked for, because statistically the Feedburner data is much much bigger...

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    Everything has already moved

    Simon Waldman, Director of Digital Publishing for Guardian Newspapers, writes:"Gizmodo gets handed an interview with Bill Gates. Good for them, I say - and a smart move by Microsoft. Now here’s a big challenge to traditional media: yes, anyone can run a blog and call themselves a reporter, but ‘access’...

  • Web
    Mark Fletcher: Boing Boing, Bloglines and Google

    Mark Fletcher, CEO of Bloglines, wrote up a detailed response to my two recent posts: RSS Reader Market Share and Contextual Adverts in Bloglines in 2005. In his post, Mark analyses Boing Boing's web stats and draws some interesting comparisons between Google and Bloglines in regards to Boing Boing's traffic:"Nutshell:...

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    RSS Reader Market Share

    There's always a lot of talk about market share for web browsers, which is picking up again now that Firefox is starting to eat into Internet Explorer's huge lead. But there's been little talk of who is winning the battle for the eyeballs of RSS consumers. Mainly that's because reading...

  • Entertainment
    Bob Dylan Chronicles and Blogging for the thing’s sake

    It's probably pushing it to equate Bob Dylan's career as an incredibly successful musician, with my nascent career as a Blogger. But there were a couple of extracts in the first volume of Bob Dylan's autobiography that I, as a Blogger, identify strongly with.The first quote comes from page 18,...

  • Web
    2005 Predictions (and some personal news)

    Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg has some predictions for 2005. The first 4 are of great interest to me, so I thought I'd list them here along with some brief comments from moi. Plus at the end of this post, a hint of what I'll be up to in 2005.1....

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    Technorati Issue Solved

    Thanks to a link from Robert Scoble (who is always looking out for his readers, bless him), my issue with Technorati not indexing my blog came to the notice of Technorati Chief Dave Sifry. To his credit, Dave immediately jumped onto the case and Kevin Marks solved it today. I...

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    eBooks on Mobile Phones

    Russell Beattie's just released a service called Mobdex, which serves up eBooks onto mobile phones. I had the pleasure of getting a sneak preview of Mobdex near the end of September, after Russ spotted a post about the Mobile Web on my blog and emailed me. So I've been waiting...

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    Cut-ups of my Top 10 posts of 2004

    Back in the early 90's I used to read William S. Burroughs books and for a while I was quite taken with his "cut-up" method of writing. The cut-up technique is a specialised literary form in which a text is cut up at random and rearranged to create a new...

  • Web
    Top 24 of 2004

    There's a nice meme just started, asking people to list their Top 24 posts of 2004 (via). I decided to check out my web stats and dig out the most-visited posts of 2004 for Read/Write Web. They may not necessarily be "the best" posts in terms of quality, but the...

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    PubSub LinkRank

    I came across PubSub's LinkRank feature for the first time today. It's an interesting new measurement... Here is the official blurb, comparing it to Google PageRank:"Unlike Google's PageRank system, LinkRanks are not iterative. Rather, we base LinkRanks on a simple formula that only looks at local links - links which...

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    Schwartz on Network Services

    Listened to the latest Gillmor Gang Show, with Jonathan Schwartz as guest. Sun's Schwartz is one very smart cookie and a very effective speaker. The following quote in particular stood out for me:"We [Sun] want a world where there are tons and tons of interesting, interactive iPod equivalents - where...

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