Mobile payment platforms are being widely talked about and will radically change the way of doing business in the world; however, they are being adopted more slowly than the world expected. With Multiple platforms fighting for dominance in the field, it is difficult for the consumer to choose a particular platform. Many people are not sure which platform to use and may be waiting for a particular platform to take the lead or they may be satisfied with their current payment methods.
Apple Pay, which was in the lead, appears to be losing ground while Samsung Pay is on the rise. A recent study by Boston Retail Partners found out that Apple Pay had the largest percentage of USS merchants supporting the service, however the report shows that Samsung Pay is used more often. According to the report Samsung Pay has a 4.5% usage rate which is the highest among all the platforms in the report.
There is a decrease in the number of people trying out Apple Pay. Reports show that all other platforms show relatively flat rates in the number of attempts of the people trying to use their services. Apple Pay shows a steady but small decrease over the last twelve months.
The report from states that about 41% to 49%% of Americans that are not using mobile payment platforms report of being satisfied with their current payment methods (in lieu of a particular mobile app), another 20%% to 27%% have security concerns regarding these platforms. A solid 24% of those when questioned about Apple Pay were not sure how it worked, compared to 17%% of those questioned about Samsung Pay, WalMart Pay and Android Pay.
This was a guest post by Adithya Kumar.