ReadWriteWeb is excited to announce that we are launching a partnership with technology consultancy Forum One Communications, focusing on online community management.

Forum One hosts events, offers consulting and publishes in-depth reports about the finer points of community management based on extensive survey data gathered from diverse practitioners.
In the initial stage of our partnership:
- We will be promoting Forum One’s body of reports to our readers interested in detailed, topical, survey-based advice centered on the community of active community management practitioners.
- Forum One will be promoting our Community Management Guide, an overview of the practice of community management based on interviews, content curation and dynamic discovery of the hottest daily conversations on the topic, to their community. (That’s a real honor for us.)
- We will be encouraging community managers in our community to fill out the Forum One 2009 survey on community manager job compensation
- And they’ll be sharing the results of that survey with us to report on here. (The findings are always quite interesting.)
Forum One publishes detailed reports on topics like Online Communities: Surviving & Thriving in the Downturn and Online Communities: Platform and Services Satisfaction Report. Those reports are based on surveys, and Forum One reaches inside both large enterprise firms and small startups in their research.
We’re proud to get the opportunity to work with these experts in the field and we’re excited to get to share with our readers some of the hard numbers that we’ll help Forum One collect. We hope this is just the first step in a fruitful collaboration to help foster more effective community management online.
We hope you’ll give Forum One’s reports a look, as you’ve been so supportive of ours, and if you’re a community manager then we hope you’ll fill out the compensation survey as well.