Results for "patent"

We found 992 results for your search.
  • Work
    Google Apps Leaves Beta, Gunning for the Enterprise

    After two years in the wild as a comprehensive suite, Google Apps has left beta. While having these hugely popular Web apps out of beta will undoubtedly have a positive effect on their use by consumers, it's the enterprise adoption that pushed Google to make the move. For a long...

  • Web
    Transcending Moore’s Law: Is This the Most Important Chart in the Technology Business?

    Moore's Law, the observation that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit has doubled every two years, explains the exponential growth in computing power that enables all the innovation we web-heads love so much. Futurist Ray Kurzweil argues that the exponential growth of computing power...

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    Startup 2009: My Pick of the Pack

    This morning, I attended Startup 2009, "Rising from the Ashes", an event put on by Business Insider in New York City. This was one of those deals where entrepreneurs get a few minutes to pitch to and get rated by a panel of VCs and pundits. The winner gets attention...

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    US CTO Nominee on Open Government: No Comment

    Aneesh Chopra, President Obama's nominee as the US Government's first ever Chief Technology Officer, was asked very few hard questions in a confirmation hearing yesterday and none of the Senators asked him anything about Open Government. The President's memo calling for there to be a US CTO set a deadline...

  • Web
    Developers: Never Mind the APIs, Here’s YQL Execute

    "I Tried YQL Execute and All I Got Was an Authenticated Javascript API Processing Layer in the Cloud"There's a great amount of data available on the Web in APIs or even straight HTML. It's all there for the parsing - and parsed data from social media in particular is held...

  • Web
    Lessons from the Ant Colony: Overcoming the Biases of Web 2.0

    Operating as a collective, an ant colony can achieve remarkable things, complete tasks, and solve problems that would be unimaginable for a single ant. Colonies are responsible for building elaborate nests, waging battles, and creating efficient highway systems to food sources. The collective intelligence of an ant colony can serve...

  • Web
    Cross Your Fingers: Zennstrom and Friis Might Buy Back Skype From eBay

    Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, the founders of Skype, are trying to pile up enough cash from investors and their own bank accounts to buy the company back from eBay, according to an admirable scoop of a report by Brad Stone at the New York Times today.Zennstrom and Friis sold...

  • Web
    MyBuys: Recommendations as a Service

    In this latest installment in our series on recommendation engines, we look at MyBuys - a company purely focused on providing recommendations services to retail websites. We've noted in previous posts in this series that each recommendations vendor has a different approach. What distinguishes MyBuys is that it takes a...

  • Web
    Why Wikipedia’s Policy to Blacklist Blogs is Outdated and Wrong

    This week we received an email from a reader telling us that he'd tried to add a link to ReadWriteWeb onto a Wikipedia article, only to get the message: "The following link has triggered our spam protection filter: Either that exact link, or a portion of it (typically the...

  • Web
    Baynote: Does Focusing on Real-Time Behavior Trump Amazon’s Technology?

    Baynote is one of a number of recommendation technology providers which licenses its product to commercial companies. As we'll see in this article, Baynote places particular emphasis on real-time user behaviors - which Baynote claims goes beyond Amazon's "first generation" approach to recommendations. One thing that we've discovered so far...

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    Your Web 2.0 App is a Security Threat

    In the world of enterprise I.T., everything is a security risk: your insecure password, an unexpected email attachment, a careless web surfer clicking through to a malicious URL, or the unapproved software you installed on your computer. Today's I.T. has plenty of tools to handle most of these threats, ranging...

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    DeepDyve: Indexing the Deep Web

    DeepDyve is a new search engine that is aimed at students, academics, and knowledge workers. DeepDyve's mission is to index the 'deep web' that is hidden behind pay walls and subscription fees. We first looked at DeepDyve in September, when it was still called Infovell and hidden behind a pay...

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    The New Stack: SaaS, Cloud Computing, Core Technology

    During the PC era, the technology stack was controlled by Microsoft Windows and Wintel - the "Wintel" era. We are now entering a new era, called variously 'Cloud' or 'SaaS' or 'Enterprise 2.0'. In this era everything is different - the stack, the players and the potential for value creation....

  • Web
    Twine Launches 1.0 Version – Eyes Facebook, Google Reader, Delicious, Digg, …

    When Twine announced itself to the world exactly one year ago, it claimed to be "the first mainstream Semantic Web application". However despite raising millions of dollars in its quest to bring the Semantic Web to the mainstream, Twine has been beset by usability and performance issues in its beta...

  • Web
    GoDaddy Unveils Mainstream Social Web Aggregator

    GoDaddy has just unveiled an amazing new service called SmartSpace which lets anyone register a domain name and then instantly turn it into a social web site which aggregates any of the following components onto one page: a blog, a photo album, a chat application, email, RSS feeds, and even...

  • Web
    Slideshows 2.0

    When it comes to presentations, typical slideshows have gotten a bad reputation for being dull and dry. That doesn't necessarily have to be the case. Thanks to Web 2.0 tools and applications, you can bring pizzazz to your presentations like never before. Whether you're looking for an "un-slideshow" altogether or...

  • Web
    The Scannable World, Part 3: Barcode Scanning In The Real World

    This is the third part in a multi-part series about integrating the internet with the real world through barcode scanning technology. In the firsttwo articles we looked at the history of scanning barcodes with your mobile phone, newspaper print ads, and a new effort to bring barcodes to web printouts....

  • Web
    How Decoupled is The Innovation Economy From Rest of The Economy?

    What a week of market mayhem! How odd having that as the backdrop to the Web 2.0 Expo in New York. We have been sounding alerts about the economic backdrop to our world of innovation for nearly a year. Back in February we wrote that this is not our bubble....

  • Web
    Sometimes Google Isn’t Enough: New Research Engine Searches “Deep Web”

    What do you do when you need to research something on the web? You just google it, right? Using a web search engine like Google is usually fine for casual searches, but when you need to delve deep into a subject, it just won't do. What you really need is...

  • Web
    Servers at Sea: Google Ships Could Soon Set Sail

    A Google patent application filed two years ago but published this fall is getting some new attention because it's just too interesting to ignore. The patent (link) is for putting data centers on ships at sea and harvesting the energy in waves for power. The biggest benefit for the company,...

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