Results for "Musk "

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    Peter Thiel On Not Selling Facebook To Yahoo – And Much More

    As it turns out, the man who wants to build a sovereign ocean community off the coast of California is really down to earth.Tuesday at South by Southwest (SXSW), serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist and noted libertarian Peter Thiel took the stage to talk about… well, I wasn't really sure. But when the...

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    100-Year Starship Project: The Grandest Challenge At SXSW – Or Anywhere

    A voyage to the stars: Science fiction authors typically just assume we can do it. The awesomely ambitious 100-Year Starship project, however, was formed, quite literally, to help perform the heavy lifting.Project members spoke in a session at the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference on Monday in Austin, where they laid out...

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    Tesla And The Fallacy Of Data-Driven Decisions

    We like to pride ourselves on being increasingly data-driven. In fact, we've created a giant new industry frenetically panning for Big Data gold. A healthy $4.5 billion market in 2010, according to IDC, Big Data is set to explode to $23.8 billion in 2016, fueled by our need to be...

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    Would You Buy A Tesla Model S?

    Part of me really wants a Tesla Model S. I'm a bit of a car freak, and over the years have owned a string of BMWs, an Audi S4, and a vintage Porsche 911. These days I'm just a regular suburban dad, driving a Subaru Outback wagon. But a few months...

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    SpaceX Team Tells Us To Learn C++, Says They’ll Take Us To Mars In 5 Years

    Today on Reddit, private commercial spaceflight company SpaceX set its software engineers loose in an AMA. On the site, AMA stands for "Ask Me Anything", and an AMA thread (found on /r/IAmA/) is a no-holds barred session of questions and answers in real-time via Reddit's nested comment system.In the past,...

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    Startup Founders Share Their Inspirational Heroes

    Who's your hero? Who do you want to emulate, and why?To find out who inspires startup founders to create and grow their companies, we asked eight successful young entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) about the individuals that they looked to emulate in their businesses and their lives. 1....

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    Cartoonist Crusader Launches Fundraiser for Nikola Tesla Museum

    Inventor Nikola Tesla may finally get the recognition he deserves if cartoonist Matthew Inman has his way. In a bid to buy the land on which Tesla’s former Shoreham, New York laboratory sits, the creator of The Oatmeal has launched an IndieGoGo fundraising campaign to come up with $850,000 in...

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    SpaceX Wins $440 Million NASA Contract to Replace the Space Shuttle

    Aerospace firm SpaceX announced Friday that it won a $440 million contract from NASA to modify its Dragon capsule for human space flight as a private-sector successor to the Space Shuttle. The plan is to launch the first Dragon flight carrying American astronauts by 2015.The Dragon capsule can carry seven...

  • Social
    [Review] Airtime vs. Chatroulette: The Tamer Social Serendipity that Nobody Really Wants

    It may sound like a forgettable combo of two Apple products, but a new service from the minds behind Napster has much more in common with the chaotic social petri dish known as Chatroulette than anything out of Cupertino. But can Airtime hit a social sweet spot we didn't even...

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    SpaceX Dragon Returns Safely to Earth

    After completing every objective of its nine-day mission, the first private spacecraft ever to dock with the International Space Station splashed down off the coast of Baja California today. The landing was right on target. The 19-foot-long SpaceX Dragon capsule was quickly recovered to begin its trip back to the...

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    ISS Astronauts Climb Aboard the SpaceX Dragon Capsule

    On Saturday morning, the crew of the International Space Station opened the hatch of the SpaceX Dragon capsule and went inside. The Dragon docked with the ISS yesterday, becoming the first private spacecraft to rendezvous with the station. NASA astronaut Donald Pettit was the first aboard, remarking that it "smells...

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    SpaceX Dragon Berths with International Space Station

    After a flawless launch on May 22, the SpaceX Dragon capsule has become the first commercial spacecraft to berth at the International Space Station. After a flyby last night, the capsule approached the station, and station flight engineers Don Pettit and Andre Kuipers brought the vehicle to berth with the...

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    Read/Write Daily: Building the Real-Life Starship Enterprise

    Today's theme is real artists ship. Everyone wants their tech to be fun. iPads get close, but it's quite another thing to build actual space stations or robot exoskeletons... or the actual Starship Enterprise.But people are going for it, anyway.A man named Dan with a lot of time on his...

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    SpaceX Launches the Era of Private Spaceflight

    Last night, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It's carrying a reusable spacecraft called Dragon, which can dock with the International Space Station. It's unmanned this time, but it's capable of carrying cargo or crew. This will be the first time a spacecraft built and launched by...

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    Read/Write Daily: The New Space Race

    Today’s theme is the new space race. Humankind is approaching a crossroads in space exploration. The U.S. government is pulling back, but other governments have stepped their game up.And lately, the private tech industry has shown some ambition, as well.There are more dramatic photos today of a space shuttle being...

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    Samsung Coding Camps-Toronto

        EVENT DETAILS Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 Time: 9:00 AM - 6:10 PM (EST) Location: Rostie Group, WaterPark Place, 20 Bay St, 11th Floor, Rooms: Ross Sea & Muskoka, Toronto [MAP] Cost: Free. Pre-registration is required. Breakfast and lunch will be served.   SUMMARY Mobile App Developers: Get...

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    Hopes & Fears: The Future of Kids & Tech at RWW2WAY

    The stories that we hear about teens and technology often border on hysteria. Technology is ruining their grades. It's ruining their eyesight. It's making them fat. It's exposing them to dangerous people, dangerous ideas. It encourages stupid, senseless behavior - the sorts of things that will ruin their lives forever.Sure,...

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    Here’s What Stripe, Stealth Payment Startup Backed by PayPal Founders, Will Do

    A large number of entrepreneurs and investors are betting that the Internet is going to disrupt financial services just like it's disrupted so many other industries. Stripe is one of those, it's a stealthy startup aimed to make online payments super simple. It's being built by three Irishmen in Silicon...

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    Apply to Demo On Stage at the 6th Founder Showcase

    The Founder Showcase is taking applications now for a chance to make your pitch onstage at its event to be held February 1 in Mountain View, California. Any seed or early-stage company less than two years old and with less than $500,000 in funding is invited to apply.It's free to...

  • Social
    Facebook and Twitter Will Try to Mobilize Millions of Voters Tomorrow

    Facebook, the largest online social network in the world, will put a call to hit the polls at the top of millions of users' Facebook pages tomorrow and will attempt to help them find the nearest polling station.Facebook told press today that the company will provide an official app on...

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