Results for "Musk "

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    Apply Now to Pitch at this Fall’s Founder Showcase

    The Founder Showcase is taking applications now for a chance to make your pitch onstage at the event to be held October 21 in Mountain View, California. Any early-stage startup less than 2 years old and with less than $500,000 in funding is invited to apply. It's free to enter...

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    Wired’s First “Geeks in Suits” Event Was Great

    On Monday, Wired held its first-ever business conference, titled "Disruptive By Design." A stellar cast was on stage and, perhaps more interestingly, in the audience as well. The audience had people you would normally see on stage, like Mary Meeker and Tim O'Reilly. Conde Nast, the new owner of Wired,...

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    The Business of Browser Add-ons

    Today's opening keynote at the Add-on-Con conference in Mountain View CA highlighted the similarities between monetizing add-ons and monetizing Web sites. Although distribution channels and products differ, according to moderator Jeremy Liew of Lightspeed Venture Partners, in general add-ons generate revenue through: "search, advertising, affiliate type commerce and APIs."Methods of...

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    So You Sold Your Company For Millions, What Next?

    What would you do next if you sold your company to an Internet giant for millions of dollars? Existing examples show 4 different types of Internet millionaires:Serial entrepreneurs - keep doing the sameDreamers - expand their horizonsMidas - invest and help multiple entrepreneurs grow new businessesConsistents - stick with their...

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