Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Startups Don't Need to Be Revolutionary. They Need to Be Different.
    Startups Don’t Need to Be Revolutionary. They Need to Be Different.

    When new, typically young entrepreneurs start thinking about how they’re going to launch a startup, their mind instantly begins sorting through potential ideas. And most of those entrepreneurs end up discouraged. Why? Because they can’t come up with some revolutionary, game-changing, never-before-considered idea to serve as the foundation for their...

  • Featured
    Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 2 to have twice as much Storage

    Lasy year, we saw Samsung release the Galaxy Watch Active. As the name suggests, this is a watch aimed at the more active smartwatch user. This wasn't the only watch that this active user would get, the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 rolled out a mere 6 months later. Both...

  • exec automation
    Why Do Executives Hesitate to Automate?

    Embracing automation is like eating your vegetables: unpleasant in the moment, but essential for your company’s long-term health. It’s no secret that automation can be disruptive. Employees have to learn how to operate with and alongside machines. For some, that means learning new software applications and processes. Other roles may...

  • blockchain and crypto speakers
    Top 25 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Speakers

    Cryptocurrencies, the blockchains, smart contracts, and proof of work. The new world of finance is filled with strange terms and unique concepts. If you want to know what the blockchain can do and where digital finance is going -- the best way to find out is by listening to an...

  • CCPA regulation
    CCPA Regulation, SMB, and Ad Tech: How will they Co-Exist?

    Last month, tens of thousands of apps were closed by Facebook because of a data breach. The investigation process was related to Cambridge Analytica. If you take a quick glance at the past decade, you’ll notice that recent incidences of data misuse are becoming more frequent. Who could have guessed...

  • ai and computing networks
    Could Light Switches Have Morals?

    There’s a revolution underway at the edge of computer networks, where devices are getting better at assessing circumstances, analyzing data locally, and then actuating more services for consumers instead of relying on the cloud for all of that “intelligence.” But could light switches have morals? Innovation at the Edge is...

  • paperless operations
    Achieving Paperless Operations and Document Automation with AI and ML

    Paper is an essential commodity for office operations. Most conventional offices rely on paper for completing the simplest tasks. Even after digitization, the dream of a completely paperless office is far from reality. Humans are used to a standard form of note-taking and documentation. Here is how to achieve paperless...

  • iot and customer experience
    Customer Service
    Why You Need to Consider IoT in Improving Customer Experience

    Assuredly, IoT (Internet of Things) has the potential to improve customer experience. The rapid expansion of technology has impacted businesses in many ways. Besides, IoT enables data sharing, inventory management, security, and increased efficiency and productivity. But, what is IoT? Well, in simple words, IoT is the network of interconnected devices...

  • Culture
    Unplugging from Work Without Feeling Guilty

    File this under the law of unintended consequences. Businesses are increasingly using online communication and collaboration apps to help their teams work more efficiently. That’s great. But because these apps allow teams to connect at all times, people have a harder time unplugging from work. That’s not great for the...

  • iot in 2020
    Connected Devices
    What Can We Expect for IoT in 2020

    As the new year rapidly approaches, it’s exciting to think about how technologies will grow and change. The Internet of Things has experienced massive growth in the past few years, and 2020 will seemingly be no different. Worldwide, the number of active IoT devices is expected to be at 10...

  • secure fintech app
    What it Takes to Build a Highly Secure FinTech Application

    Since FinTech apps deal with highly sensitive personal and business data, security should be at the forefront of finance and banking solutions development. However, the reality is different. Here's what it takes to build a highly secure FinTech application. Data storage issues, weak encryptions, data leakages, are just some of...

  • productivity and customer service
    Why Productivity and Customer Experience go Hand-in-Hand

    Many large companies approach improving customer experiences from the perspective of customer support solutions, user experience design, and account management. Focusing on delighting customers is vitally important. Businesses could benefit from looking at customer experience through the lens of productivity. Here is why productivity and customer experience go hand-in-hand. Improving...

  • IT; project management
    IT + Project Management: A Love Affair

    Project management gets a bad rap. Some think that it’s redundant skillset, with new AI technologies taking over some of the PM jobs. Others claim that it’s resource sucking. Your development teams think they can manage themselves. Some believe that Project Managers (PMs) are “too structured, rigid, too technical, and...

  • Can IoT Bridge The Gaps In Modern Mental Health Treatment?
    Can IoT Bridge The Gaps In Modern Mental Health Treatment?

    Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. In fact, every year one-fifth of Americans experiences a clinical mental health disorder, whether or not they are diagnosed or receive treatment. That means that even if you haven’t personally experienced a mental health crisis, you certainly know someone who has, even if they don’t talk...

  • IoT
    People Power Company. Humanizing the Internet of Things.

    One of the most important things to assemble as an entrepreneur is a winning team. That’s exactly what Gene Wang and David Moss of People Power Company did. Gene met David while working at a telecommunications company – BitFone. Gene served as CEO and David as a lead engineer. BitFone’s...

  • cognitive automation
    Cognitive Automation is the Immediate Future of Team Management

    For all the anticipation of increased automation at work, commentators have spent a lot of energy trying to convince people it can only handle easy, repetitive processes. It’s time to finally confront the truth: Per the McKinsey Global Institute, today’s robots can handle up to a quarter of the average CEO’s job...

  • Huawei products and security
    Can Huawei Products Threaten Your Business?

    For years, Chinese telecom giant Huawei has been dogged by allegations that its products contain backdoors designed to facilitate Chinese espionage operations abroad. In the U.S., long-simmering tensions came to a head this May, when the Trump administration banned the use of Huawei equipment in U.S. telecom networks. Now, the...

  • manage work stress
    4 Effective Ways to Manage Work Stress

    If you are a hardworking, ambitious, and active person and are fond of fulfilling goals and achievements, perhaps work stress is familiar to you. Stress is a natural body’s reaction to extraordinary situations that require survival. It’s a complicated biochemical process that includes the release of certain hormones and a...

  • reconnect divided country, embrace abundance
    To Reconnect a Divided Country — We Must Embrace Abundance and Reject Scarcity

    Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency has hit the front page; accordingly, President Donald Trump is hitting back. Rather than embracing cryptocurrency and blockchain, he’s sounding the Twitter alarm. Despite being a free-world leader, his stance is hardly free-thinking. Instead, it’s an insular view based on fear and scarcity — concepts that fly in the face...

  • The Key to Smart Home Success: Safety and Security
    Smart Home
    The Key to Smart Home Success: Safety and Security

    The smart home is the way of the future, but it comes with its own set of risks and potential downsides. If you’re going to install some of the latest connected devices into your home, make sure you prioritize safety and security at every point along the way. The Rise...

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