Results for "samsung"

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  • oculus-rift
    Connected Devices
    Facebook slashes price of Oculus Rift for second time

    Facebook has slashed the price of the Oculus Rift for a second time, as part of its "Summer of Rift" sales season. The Oculus Rift and Touch controller are available for $399 and will remain at that price for six weeks. It is the second time Facebook has cut the...

  • News
    Facer recreates watchfaces of Manufaktur Waldhoff’s upcoming Mechanical Luxury Watches

    For some time now, High-end analog watch makers have considered the rise in smartwatches as a threat to their business and the art of classic watchmaking. As a contradiction to this, a German based luxury watchmaker- Manufaktur Waldhoff have now partnered with popular smartwatch watch face maker Little Labs (widely known...

  • Gaming
    Unblock Me ! Free, Do You Think You Can Free The Block???

    Unblock Me! Free is a game where you have to unblock a red piece of the block from a puzzle of other blocks. You may think it's easy as pie but your dead wrong. You have a certain amount of moves to get all three stars on each level, if...

  • Connected Devices
    VR/AR headset sales to reach 100 million by 2021, says IDC

    Sales of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets are estimated to reach 100 million by 2021, a tenfold improvement on the 10 million shipments recorded last year. That the forecast from research firm IDC, which said VR headsets that use smartphones, like Samsung’s Gear VR and Google’s Daydream...

  • Developer
    Visual Studio Tools Preview 4 for Tizen and Tizen.NET 3.0.0 now released

    Samsung has been trying to bring as many developers as possible onboard to the Tizen development community which includes bringing C# developers as well. Hence, Tizen.NET was introduced last year to make it convenient for .NET developers to build Tizen apps. The Visual Studio Tools for Tizen.NET is currently in development and...

  • Application
    Droid Lock Screen and Voice Assistant apps now available in Tizen Store

    Somyac Slawomir Baranowski is a popular developer on the Tizen OS platform. He has designed quite a number of apps such as 3D launcher and Nougat Launcher which are available in the Tizen store. Now, two new apps by this developer; Droid Lock Screen and Voice Assistant has just been released to the...

  • Developer
    Tizen Experts Weekly News Recap – 9th July 2017

    Ever wonder what is the latest news about the Tizen Operating System? Well, this is the right place for you to learn everything about this versatile Linux based OS. There are millions of devices already being powered by this OS like washing machines, TVs, Smartphones, cameras, Internet of Things (IoT)...

  • News
    Tizen expected to ramp up smartphone market share post 2019

    Smartphone OS has become a two horse race for several years now between Android and iOS. The competition and the market share between the two has put down some big names in the smartphones OS business to dust such as Symbian,Blackberry OS and of course Windows phone OS. However, recent...

  • Gaming
    Eclipse Zombie – Assault – KILL! KILL! KILL!

    Eclipse Zombie Assault is a game where you need to kill zombies and survive. That's the key. This game has really nice graphics which are quite detailed and in places such as brick walls, the bricks seem smudged with the others slightly. There are not that many sounds. Some of...

  • IoT
    Report – Linux based Operating Systems for IoT takes lead with a massive 80% market share

    The domestic PC OS market has been a complete one sided dominance by Microsoft's Windows OS for a long time now. This year, Windows had a 96.99 percent market share (although a 0.11 percent slip from last year) and this strong hold of the PC OS market is not likely...

  • News
    Fidget Spinner Apps Released for Tizen Smartwatches and Smartphones

    The fidget spinner craze has taken the world by storm. If you don't know what the fidget spinner is, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!! The fidget spinner was initially made to help people concentrate better by relieving nervous energy. However, there seems to be no conclusive evidence to support this. But...

  • Application
    Points Apps Soccer Scoreboard, Basket Points, Tennis points and Soccer Goals for S2/ S3

    It's that time of year again when summer is upon us, and many are feeling the heat not only temperature-wise, but in fun, competitive outdoor matches. And yet, with all the pressure on your shoulders to win, there are apps in the mobile space for your Gear S3 and Gear...

  • Application
    New updates rolled out for Facebook and Whatsapp on Tizen store

    Facebook and Facebook owned Whatsapp happen to be so much popular that they're less likely to be considered as bloat if they come pre-installed on smartphones (which is the case with Samsung's Tizen smartphones such as the Z2, Z3 and Z4). The availability of Whatsapp in particular on the Tizen...

  • Technology
    Tizen Experts Weekly News Recap – 2nd July 2017

    Welcome to yet another weekly roundup of last weeks Tizen news from the Tizen Experts Team. This is a summary of the Tizen tech for week ending  25 June 2017, listing the week's articles by category. Whatever you are Interested in, then we have the latest developments covered. Join our mailing list (at the...

  • Developer
    Tizen mobile app payments now accepted in these 18 countries, over 50 by end of 2017

    At present, Tizen mobiles are already available in parts of the Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa. Today, there has been some changes to the Tizen Store Office Terms and Conditions that show Samsung is accepting mobile app payments in more countries in those regions and also branching out to...

  • Developer
    Registrations for SDC 2017 now open with limited-time early bird discounted Passes!

    Come October 17th, all roads lead to San Francisco for the much awaited Samsung Developer Conference 2017. If you are one of those developer enthusiasts thinking of making it to the DevCon in person this year, then this could be the right time to get your passes as Samsung is...

  • Technology
    New BMW X3 brings latest digital and driver assistance tech, connects to your Gear S2 / S3

    In a generation where everything is becoming smart, German automaker BMW has unveiled its third-generation X3 models having a plethora of functions including the latest driver assistance, as well as connectivity functionality. will bring new petrol engines as well. The BMW X3 also offers new petrol engines in addition to diesel...

  • News
    Reason for Bixby’s inability to learn different languages surface online

    In March this year, Samsung announced its much awaited AI (Artificial Intelligence) based voice assistant called Bixby which is expected to compete Apple’s Siri, Google Voice Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa among others. However, Bixby has had challenges in learning languages. It will be recalled that Samsung was supposed to launch Bixby Voice in Chinese...

  • Application
    Storm Radar app for Gear S3 provides you severe weather notifications and satellite imagery

    Wearable technology is fantastic, especially tech that you can wear on your wrist and that provides you information at a quick glance. One of the things I task my smartwatch to do is tell me the weather and today there is a new weather app for the Samsung Gear S3...

  • Featured
    DEAL ALERT! Grab an unlocked Gear S3 Frontier 4G LTE for just $245

    If everything about the Gear S3 Frontier attracted your desire to buy one except for its considerably high asking price of $399 (or $349 for AT&T version) for the LTE variant, then you have landed on the right article to finally consider making that buy. An unlocked 4G-LTE version of...

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