Results for "Samsung"

We found 5371 results for your search.
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    Here You Go: All The Samsung Galaxy S4’s Features In One Handy Video

    Samsung stuffed a lot of features into its latest Galaxy S4. Enough to pack a Broadway play, apparently. With all the new apps, functions, gestures, camera controls and kittenkaboodles, it's plenty difficult just to figure out what's actually new and exciting about the Galaxy S4. There's a good chance that you're...

  • Mobile
    Samsung, Meet Icarus: Galaxy S4 Features Aim High, Risk Melting Waxy Disappointment

    You remember Icarus, right? Greek boy with wax wings takes errant flight path, meets watery death. A classic metaphor for reach exceeding your grasp.Samsung: Meet IcarusSamsung threw so much at us during the keynote launch of its flagship Galaxy S4 that it's difficult to unpack all of it. Samsung is big...

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    Samsung to Launch First Tizen-Powered Phone in 3Q

      Samsung Electronics Co. has quickly emerged as the largest smartphone maker thanks in part to its adoption of Google's Android software. But the company is now planning to launch its first smartphone based on new open-source software co-developed with Intel Corp. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal,...

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    High-end Samsung Tizen smartphone coming in August or September

      Samsung has shared a little more about its plans to release smartphones running the Tizen operating system this year. In an interview with Bloomberg, executive vice president of mobile Lee Young-hee said that a high-end Tizen phone will be released in August or September. While we've heard that Samsung...

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    Samsung and Android: The next Wintel or destined for divorce?

        Samsung's pole position in the Android ecosystem is about get another boost when the Korean electronics giant unveils the Galaxy S4 in New York on Thursday night. But, while it’s all glitz and glamour this week, there's an underlying tension between Samsung, Google, and the Android ecosystem that...

  • Mobile
    Samsung Ready To Launch The Galaxy S4 [Livestream]

    After months of hype, rumors and leaks, Samsung is finally ready to unveil its newest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4. The launch is set to start at 7:00 p.m. ET at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Depending on whom you believe, we know a lot about the Galaxy...

  • Mobile
    Apple Is Starting To Look A Little Nervous About Samsung

    Today is the big launch of Samsung's flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone — and Apple has clearly taken notice. Earlier this week, Apple released two new iPhone commercials, which were well-crafted if boring. It is unlikely the timing of these new ads was coincidental.Yesterday, Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller gave a rare interview to...

  • Mobile
    Samsung Galaxy S4 First Impressions: Beautiful But Bloated [Gallery]

    If there is one thing you can say about Samsung, it sure knows how to throw an extravagant party.After the showstopping launch event at Radio City Music Hall in New York City for the new Samsung Galaxy S4, there's only one question left to answer... is this smartphone any damn...

  • Mobile
    Samsung Galaxy S4 Unveiled: Spectacular Specs & Innovative Features

    Samsung unveiled its flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone Thursday evening, in a showy Broadway-style production inside a packed Radio City Music Hall in New York City. As expected, the S4 will deliver a slightly larger screen (5 inches), improved camera and faster processor - along with some innovative new features. But...

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    Fujitsu and NEC to follow Samsung and launch Tizen OS phones in 2014

      Samsung will undoubtedly be the first to commercially launch a smartphone based on Tizen OS. The handset could resemble the Android-based Galaxy S III (sold in more than 40 million units around the world), and is supposed to go on sale later this year. But who’s going to be...

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    Samsung Said to be Locked into Android no Plans To Stray with Tizen

      There is little doubt that Samsung (005930) is exploring a world where it relies on Android far less than it does today. According to Hillside Partners analyst Rory Maher, however, there is hardly any chance Samsung will begin to stray from Android in favor of its upcoming Tizen platform....

  • Mobile
    How Samsung Plans On Taking Over The U.S.

    A rogue Korean group has professed a desire to take over the United States.No, we are not talking about Kim Jong Un, nuclear missiles or an army of North Koreans on U.S. soil. This rogue Korean group is decidedly more friendly. Some might even call them downright pleasant. Samsung, the...

  • Mobile
    Samsung’s Galaxy S4 Gets The Bratty Jeremy Maxwell Tease. Again

    Say what you will about Samsung, it sticks to its guns. Even if that means once again inflicting a whiny, snobby little brat on an unsuspecting world as its mascot and "secret messenger" for the upcoming Galaxy S4 smartphone.Yes, Jeremy Maxwell is back — and annoying as ever — in...

  • Mobile
    Samsung May Dominate Global Smartphones, But Apple’s iPhone Rules America

    Samsung is the leading smartphone vendor in the world. In the U.S., however, Apple is still top dog — and its lead is growing.For the quarter ending January 2013, Apple held a 38% share of U.S. smartphone subscribers, according to ComScore's latest U.S. smartphone market share data. Samsung placed a distant second, with...

  • Mobile
    Samsung vs. Apple: Samsung Is Winning Every Way But One [Infographic]

    In the smartphone wars, Samsung tops Apple across nearly every metric, except perhaps the most important one of all: profits.2013 could be the year when Samsung takes that crown as well. Samsung already has more revenues and more people - and it spends more on Research & Development and marketing. Oh...

  • Mobile
    Samsung Galaxy S4 Rumors Begin With A Video And An Eye Scroll

    For a smartphone with as much hype and anticipation as Samsung’s Galaxy S4, we know surprisingly little about it. We know that it is likely to launch on March 14th at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. We know that Samsung will have a huge marketing plan around...

  • Mobile
    Why Samsung Could Be Heading For A Fall

    In January, I wrote a story for Forbes called Is Samsung Invincible, predicting that the South Korean manufacturer might just have carved itself a defensible Number One spot in electronics, achieving an ambition that has eluded Sony, Panasonic and many others.3 Reasons Samsung Is On TopSamsung has been one of...

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    100% Indie Samsung and Chillingo Introduce Joint Game Developer Program

    '100% Indie’ is a developer initiative designed to encourage indie game developers to join the Samsung Apps eco-system. Samsung and leading indie mobile games publisher, Chillingo, (a division of Electronic Arts Inc.), announced this joint program to fuel the mobile games developer community. “100% Indie” allows developers to tap into...

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    Samsung, Intel’s Tizen OS makes splashy intro at MWC

      The operating system is seen as a potential alternative to the dominance of Android, and has been driven in part by demand by carriers for a more open OS that they can tinker with. Beyond the two key players, the night was a celebration of other partners, including Huawei,...

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    Tizen OS looks a lot like Android on Samsung demo phone (hands-on)

      If you want to beat Android, try, try Tizen again. After years of false starts, we've gone hands-on for our first proper look at Tizen, an operating system backed by Samsung and Intel as well as other major mobile players, and one that could help the mobile industry cut...

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