Results for "acl"

We found 2120 results for your search.
  • Web
    Software Mutation: Predicting the Missing Link

    By John Milan. This is the first in a two-part series. Part 2 is here.What will the software solutions of tomorrow look like? They will be forged by four powerful elements: The Internet, Open Source, Mobile Devices and Web 2.0. We can debate the merits of each, but taken as...

  • Web
    GoogleOS II: Starring Linus Torvalds

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus Did the above image shock you? No, this is not a real Google advert! But something similar may well turn into reality. In this sequel to our original GoogleOS blockbuster, we try to clarify our thoughts on what GoogleOS will look...

  • Mobile
    Understanding Mobile 2.0

    Written by Rudy De Waele of and edited by Richard MacManus. This kicks off a mini-series of posts on the topic of Mobile 2.0, which we will explore on R/WW this week. On the eve of Le Web 3 in Paris - and one month after the Web 2.0...

  • Web
    Movable Type Enterprise 1.5 Launched

    Today Six Apart will release a new version of its Movable TypeEnterprise edition. I spoke to Anil Dash (a SixApart VP) and Chris Alden (EVP and GM of Movable Type - formally CEO of Rojo) about the upgrade and to discuss the future of Movable Type.Some of the more 'experienced'...

  • Web
    Web Office Jostling: Google Docs and ZohoX

    Both Google and Zoho will be announcing new office product offerings at tomorrow's Office 2.0 conference. Steve Bryant from eWeek reports:"Google will announce tomorrow at the Office 2.0 conference a new product called Google Docs, which will merge Writely and Google Spreadsheets into a collaboration and document management solution, according...

  • Web
    Survey Of Client Apps Using The Web Platform

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.In this post, we survey a range of client applications which utilize the new web platform. This is a follow-up to our Web Platform Primer post a few days ago, in which we explained the building blocks of the new Web infrastructure: The...

  • Web
    New Netscape = New Coke?

    Over the past couple of days I've gotten 170 comments (and still going!) on a post I wrote last week entitled Netscape Community Backlash. I've actually gotten more comments than the official Netscape story on this topic. The general gist of the feedback is that existing Netscape users dislike the...

  • Web
    Cat eats pigeons: why Web 2.0 has jumped the shark

    Well my declaration that Web 2.0 is dead set the cat amongst the pigeons. Let me give a bit of background...I've been thinking for a while now about re-focusing Read/WriteWeb onto more media-related Web technologies. Many of the things I'm interested in are being done by Yahoo!, which by now...

  • Web
    Yahoo flying under the radar

    Great article from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, covering Yahoo's strategy. Interesting comparisions to Microsoft and Google, plus lots of stats to pore over for the number crunchers amongst us. But what I enjoyed most was how Wharton wrapped up so many of the themes I and...

  • Web
    Who are the Big Internet Companies in 2005?

    Dave Winer points to my post about Portals 2.0 and questions if there are really only 3 powerful Internet companies:"Richard MacManus talks about The Big 3, and there is a trend to think about three companies -- Google, Microsoft and Yahoo -- as the leaders in online. But I don't...

  • Web
    Food Fight!

    Lots to eat today in Dot Oh Cafe. Here are some of the tasty tidbits that caught my eye as I perused the tech.memeorandum and Rojo menus:Google's smorgasbord classifieds serviceGoogle Base is eating the lunch of many a hungry 2.0 start-up. Here are some of the mouth-watering dishes in Google...

  • Web
    WebDosBeta: Spain’s Web 2.0 Conference

    WebDosBeta is Spain's equivalent of the Web 2.0 Conference and it was held on 24 October in Madrid. I noticed it the other day in Technorati's Top 10 searches, but at the time I couldn't find any English translations. Thankfully Yannick Laclau has come through for us English-speakers and posted...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Cultural Homogeneity and Class Systems

    Whether you love or hate the Web 2.0 meme, you have to admit it's gained a lot of traction in both tech and business circles. Now we're beginning to see cultural and sociological posts about Web 2.0, although Danah Boyd and Barb Dybwad have both written great posts on similar...

  • Web
    JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 3

    This is my final post on the JupiterResearch report entitled RSS Readers: Addressing Market Opportunities with an Innovative News Medium (here are Part 1 and Part 2). I've enjoyed this chance to analyse the analysts and I'm keen to do it again. I wonder if other Analyst companies would be...

  • Web
    JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 1

    Recently I was invited by JupiterResearch VP & Research Director Michael Gartenberg to be a part of their new blogging program. The deal: I get a free copy of an analyst report relevant to my specialty and in return I will offer my own blog-style analysis of it. What this...

  • Web
    Interview with Lucas Gonze of Webjay

    Welcome to the first in a very special series of Web 2.0 interviews I'm conducting on Read/Write Web. My goal is to interview at least half a dozen people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform.My first guest is Lucas...

  • Web
    eBook Culture Strategy, Part 1

    It's about time I published my strategy for my new topic-focused blog, eBook Culture. Although upon reading Erik Benson's post tonight about getting on and building something rather than "talking about it but never building it", I now feel a bit guilty about writing yet another grand plan instead of...

  • Entertainment
    Audio Blogging enhances the Social Web

    Yesterday I did my first audio blogging post. I think audio has the potential to be a key part of the so-called Social Web, or Social Media as it's being called now. And I like the term 'Social Media', over the more tradional term 'Social Software'. It emphasizes that the...

  • Web
    Citizen Blogger

    I've been getting more and more interested in the concept of a "Citizen Blogger": a person who actively participates in politics via their weblog. For such a person, weblogging becomes a political act - an 'Uncle Sam Needs You' for the 21st Century. The term has been floating around for a...

  • Web
    Individualizing the Web

    Summary: I analyse a 1994 Personal Information Management program and compare its goals to what we want in in a similar tool in 2004. I discover the requirements are basically the same.The blogosphere is mostly a synchronous give-and-take of content. People largely comment on and link to things that other people are...

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