Results for "acl"

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  • Web
    11 Things To Know About Semantic Web

    1. You don’t need to apologize for calling it Web 3.0. Of course the Web does not upgrade in one go like a company switching to Vista. But there is a definite phase transition from current technologies. My personal Web 3.0 definition is “the combination of Web 2.0 mass collaboration...

  • Web
    AdaptiveBlue Rolls Up More Services into Simpler Interface

    Semantic web browser extension BlueOrganizer relaunched tonight with more of the most popular services on the web smartly integrated into an easier to use interface. The company says its extension is intended to let users browse the web with context and that its semantic technology cuts steps out of search....

  • Web
    miVitals Takes Aim at Tough Online Health Market

    miVitals is a new Australian startup that has an ambitious goal: to enable individuals to manage their personal health data via a web application. miVitals describes itself as "a secure online storage system for health and lifestyle records". The company says that "most people have about 5 professionals involved in...

  • Web
    Could Instant Messaging (XMPP) Power the Future of Online Communication?

    Enterprise collaboration company Jive Software posted today about a theory it's advancing on the rise of XMPP (called Jabber in IM) for powering communication services hosted in the cloud. The company also announced that it will include what it says will be the first XMPP-powered document sharing and collaboration tool...

  • Web
    Viral + Monetizable = StartUp Magic Quadrant

    Hotmail is credited with inventing online viral marketing. I am sure there were earlier examples, but the whole point of viral is that it's so infectious that it obliterates memory of earlier attempts. I was an early Hotmail user - it was just so simple, obvious and useful.Most of the...

  • Web
    Sun Dives into Database Market: Buys MySQL

    Sun Microsystems announced today that had entered into an agreement to acquire open source database company MySQL AB for $1 billion in cash and assumed stock options. MySQL is used by many of the web's largest companies, including YouTube, Facebook, and Wikipedia, and makes up the "M" in LAMP (Linux,...

  • Web
    Brighter Planet: Easy Data Tracking to Reduce Your Eco-Impact

    Brighter Planet is a venture backed financial service that uses an innovative web interface to help you track and reduce your carbon footprint. Just like hybrid car owners obsess about the fluctuating MPG displays in their cars, Brighter Planet believes it will be compelling to show people visible progress online...

  • Web
    Bill Gates at CES: No Web Fridges, But You Can Watch TV on Your Xbox 360

    One of the highlights of CES (Consumer Electronics Show) each year is Bill Gates' keynote speech, available here as a webcast. Every year ReadWriteWeb analyzes Gates' keynote, highlighting the main themes and trends that he discusses. This year there were a slew of products and partnerships announced. It was less...

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    Yahoo! PDF Ads In the Wild on Kevin Kelly’s Latest Book

    Kevin Kelly may be best known as the founding executive editor of Wired magazine, but he's also a long-time blogger and the author of numerous books. One of those books, True Films, has just been updated for a third edition. The book collects Kelly's 200 favorite documentaries reviewed on his...

  • Web
    Biggest Web Tech Flubs of 2007

    We've already revealed our picks for the "Best Web BigCo" and "Best Web LittleCo" of the past 12 months. But not everything was so rosy for some companies on the web this year. Below we've gathered our list of the top flubs in the web technology sector in 2007. In...

  • Social
    The Working Group: A New Organization for Change Agents in Big Orgs

    Many of our readers here at ReadWriteWeb are brave explorers of what's new in technology - while working inside large, often slow-changing organizations. For those of you who fit that description, there's a new organization in the works called The Working Group. More than just another niche social network, this...

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    Social Websites As Games – How to Win at Digg, YouTube, Facebook

    In a comment on our recent post The Digg Effect, C. Weng pointed to an e-book he has written called The Web: Hidden Games. It is available for free on Weng commented that his book reveals "how websites such as Digg, Youtube and Facebook can be viewed as games...

  • Web
    Web Office: 2007 Year in Review

    Over the next few weeks we'll be reviewing a number of Web product categories on Read/WriteWeb, summarizing what's happened in 2007 - and what to look forward to in 2008. We're starting with the Web Office, a market that underwent a lot of changes this year. Our definition of Web...

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    The Business of Teaching Elephants to Dance

    Yesterday I attended a “Chalk talk on Global Innovation and Collaboration” in New York, hosted by BSG Alliance. I went because it was led by Don Tapscott who wrote one of my favorite business books - Wikinomics, How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything. That book ranks up in my Top 10...

  • Web
    Forrester: RIAs Will Replace Microsoft Office & Portals on Front End

    A new Forrester report by Erica Driver and Ron Rogowski suggests that rich Internet applications (RIAs) may usurp Microsoft Office and enterprise portals as the front-end UIs for "decision-makers and task-oriented workers". The phrase Forrester uses for this front end is "Information Workplaces (IWs)".RIAs in the enterprise; source: ForresterThe report...

  • Web
    R/WW Thanksgiving: Thank You Google for Open Social (Or, Why Open Social Really Matters)

    When Google and others ganged up on Facebook a few weeks ago, to many of us, Open Social looked like a marketing move. The news came suspiciously close to Facebook's ad platform announcement and after a close look, the API looked very raw. Most participants just announced their support without...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 29 October – 2 November 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Note: If you would like to sponsor the Weekly Wrapup - which...

  • Social
    Confirmed: MySpace Joins Google’s OpenSocial (More Analysis from R/WW to Follow)

    The big news of the day is that MySpace, the leading social networking platform, has joined Google's OpenSocial project as a partner. OpenSocial is a set of common APIs for building social applications across the web - and it will be officially released tonight here. The press release today states...

  • Social
    Google OpenSocial: The Third Place

    Techcrunch has sniffed out details on Google's new social network project, named OpenSocial (set to go live Thur US). OpenSocial is not a social network itself, rather it is a set of three common APIs that allow developers to access the following core functions and information at social networks: Profile...

  • Web
    Top 10 Bootstrapping Tips

    There is renewed interest in bootstrapping, if only because lower costs now make this a bit easier and younger entrepreneurs can live more cheaply. Here then is my 10 point bootstrapping primer:1. It does NOT mean self-funded. The real bootstrappers put in peanuts of their own money. Bootstrapping means funding...

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