Results for "acl"

We found 2120 results for your search.
  • Web
    Java: A Retrospective

    It was 1995 and C++ was the language of choice for building large-scale software systems. C++ was a powerful object-oriented programming language, the successor of widely used procedural language called C. But not only was C++ powerful, it was also quite complicated. Seasoned programmers enjoyed the intricacies and the possibilities,...

  • Web
    Is China Attacking US Search Engines?

    Reports are flying all over the blogosphere today about "China blocking" more US based websites, including search engines, and in some cases redirecting traffic in China to Chinese search engines instead of Google and Yahoo. The truth of the matter is probably not nearly so simple. As I understand itit's...

  • Web
    Big Vendors Scrap for Enterprise 2.0 Supremacy

    A new Forrester report analyzes how the big IT vendors are utilizing Web 2.0 products in the enterprise. As with most Forrester reports, it overlooks the many innovative startups in the 'Web Office' space - focusing instead of the big fish such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle. However there is a...

  • Web
    Zoho DB Launched – Beats Google, Microsoft to Online Database

    Web Office suite vendor Zoho is continuing its rapid pace of new product releases, with an online database and reports app called Zoho DB. Zoho is making a habit of one-upping their competition, because as of now none of Google, Microsoft Office Live, or ThinkFree offer a comparable online database...

  • Web
    Non-Profits: Plenty of Web Resources, But How Much Success?

    Earlier this week we took a look at the non-profit spaces on Facebook and MySpace, as part of our non-profits week. The conclusion was that both were good resources, but in terms of raising money -- they weren't quite succeeding. Which leads us to ask: is this common on the...

  • Web
    10 Ajax Start Pages to Consider

    Ajax start pages are easy-to-use, customizable webpages, allowing you to keep up with the latest news and add interactive content. You can add new RSS feeds and widgets, and move your content around the page. In some ways start pages are the successors to the portals of the 90's. They...

  • Web
    Social Graph: Concepts and Issues

    Brad Fitzpatrick recently wrote an elegant and important post about the Social Graph, a term used by Facebook to describe their social network. In his post, Fitzpatrick defines "social graph" as "the global mapping of everybody and how they're related". He went on to outline the problems with it, as...

  • Web
    B2B Opportunities for Web 2.0 Startups

    The first era of the Web moved from B2C to B2B. However the bubble burst just as the B2B phase was getting into full gear. As we enter the "digestion phase" of Web 2.0, many startups may want to re-focus their efforts on B2B markets. If Chasm models are still...

  • Web
    ThinkFree Reaches 1 Million Hosted Documents

    Web Office suite provider ThinkFree has announced it has hit the 1 Million mark in number of hosted documents, up from 654,000 in late February when we last reported ThinkFree's usage. Their community uploads between 60,000 to 80,000 documents per month and currently ThinkFree has 335,000 users, up from the...

  • Web
    Competing With Google Search

    In a previous article, we explained that the pivot of the internet is shifting from search to social interactions. But this doesn't necessarily mean that search is losing its value. After all, don't we still live with previous paradigms like single sign-on and e-commerce? Search is still a crucial paradigm...

  • Web
    Viewpoints Takes on Epinions With Personalized Reviews has set its sights on being the "end all" review site for people who like to read and write reviews. This niche probably should have been filled by now, but mysteriously no one site has dominated this segment of Web 2.0 - with the possible exception of Epinions. Viewpoints...

  • Web
    2007 Semantic Technology Conference – Showcased Big Internet Potential

    The Semantic Conference was held last week in San Jose. I went along to check it out. In the keynotes, Oracle's Robert Shimp noted that the attendance has never been so great and remarked that this as a clear proof that the semantics industry is growing at a tremendous pace....

  • Web
    How Does Google Universal Search Compare to Yahoo! Alpha, Ask X, Microsoft Imagine Live & Google’s Own Searchmash?

    This morning Google unveiled minor tweaks to their search UI and expanded results. The ultimate goal of Google's revamp is to unify search results across their properties to include web search, news, blogs, images, videos, etc. all in the main Google search offering. Google is calling this Universal Search and...

  • Web
    The Art of Chart – Bringing Wall Street Ideas to the Masses

    In this post we analyze how web 2.0 companies are bringing price trending tools, traditionally found on Wall St, to the masses. We take a look at these latest consumer internet innovations, and try to understand if they are useful and if they can succeed. The companies reviewed in this...

  • Web
    Web 2.0’s Future All Depends On IT’s Future

    Reports from Forrester and The Leading Edge Forum serve as bookends portending either to a bubble bursting, or the next golden era. Who's right? We will find out, but technology will have little to do with deciding the winner.Two reports have been released by major big business think tanks in...

  • Mobile
    Properazzi Launches WidSets Collaboration With Nokia

    Properazzi is a property search engine, based in Barcelona, Spain. The service only launched in March 2007, but already it claims to have the largest database of property listings in Europe - 1.8 million property listings in 45 countries, in multiple languages and currencies. The company is funded by Mangrove...

  • Web Brings Web 2.0 To The Enterprise With ContentExchange

    Today announced a new product called Salesforce ContentExchange, a content management product for unstructured data such as email and html. They also publicly announced the acquisition of Koral, a web 2.0 content collaboration platform that was at DEMO07 earlier this year (see Zoli Erdos' review). Koral is a key...

  • Web
    Amazon’s Series of Fortunate Events

    Way back when I was in high school I found myself in a high school science class. It was your typical experience, replete with bunsen burners, saftey goggles and a science teacher named Norbert. But one day Norbert had an inspriation - he let the class watch a video of...

  • Web
    6 Startup Lessons For The Year 2007

    By guest author Jawad Shuaib, the founder of The social network for geeks.Startups have been multiplying like rabbits over the past three years. Due to the added competition, many startups are beginning to narrow their focus to a much smaller demographic. The year 2007 will mark the transition from...

  • Web
    Teapotters Wants To Be The YouTube of 3D

    A new "3D community" has just been launched, with the unusual name of Teapotters. The name comes from 3D pioneer Martin Newell, who created the first free 3D model in 1974 - a teapot model. The site aims to popularize 3D displays and sharing across the Web - websites,...

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