is like KickStarter for web developers. The site was started by Stateless Systems, the company backing projects like CushyCMS and Droolr. Unlike Kickstarter, however, funders get to vote on whether to accept features before releasing funds.

Here’s how it works, according to the web site:
When a Developer has completed a feature, all funders of that feature are notified and invited to vote to accept or reject the feature. To receive all the funding for that feature the Developer needs to receive a majority of acceptance votes.
If a Funder accepts a feature then their pledged amount for that feature will be paid to the Developer, even if there is not a majority of acceptance votes among Funders for the feature.
If a Funder rejects a feature, and a majority of Funders also reject the feature, then their funding for that feature will not be paid to the Developer.
If a Funder rejects a feature, but a majority of Funders accept the feature, then all funding for that feature (including Funders who reject the feature) will be paid to the Developer.
If a vote is not received from a funder within 7 days of the date on which the email invitation to vote is sent by Fundry then Fundry will count that vote as an acceptance.
In addition to raising funds for popular WordPress plugins like WP-to-Twitter and WP-Optimize, is raising funds for itself.