I’ll admit I haven’t been on Quora as much recently, in large part due to being unceremoniously blocked by the company for subscribing to an excessive amount of RSS feeds (but that’s another story). However, today, I stumbled across a great Quora thread started by tech insider Robert Scoble. The question: “Which tech startups currently (June 2011) need and deserve angel funding?”

Of course, the resulting list is a lot of self-serving posts from startups hoping to cash in on Scoble’s influence, but frankly, I don’t care. I’m obsessed with this thread and the startups that keep appearing there, minute by minute. It’s startup Disneyland! And if you’re an early adopter itching to try new services, you should check it out, too.
According to Scoble’s post, he’s having lunch with Ashton Kutcher on June 17. And to stoke the fires of the eager founders, he writes:
“Last year when I had lunch with him he invested in Flipboard, which went onto be Apple’s favorite iPad app of the year. Got something you want to get in front of him? This is your shot. Stealth startups preferred.”
Well, that’s one way to unveil the stealthy startups in hiding!
At present, the answer summary includes the following:
- Appysnap! – www.appysnap.com
- CollabraCam – world’s first multi-camera video production iPhone app with live editing and director-to-camera communication, www.collabracam.com
- Cursor – www.ThinkCursor.com (and the first Cursor community, www.RedLemona.de)
- Filmaster – the ultimate video recommendation engine for new releases (local theatres, TV, VOD), www.filmaster.com
- PlayMySong – iPod app, www.playmysong.net
- Semiautomatic Semiotics – 3-d immersive bicycling, http://semiautomatic3d.com
- Spot for iPhone – Instapaper for Places, www.spot-app.com
- turntable.fm
- Virlnet – Virlnet allows businesses to reward the grassroots efforts of social network users for promoting their brand, www.virlnet.com
- Wanderfly – www.wanderfly.com – travel recommendation engine
- Zaarly
- Zferral – www.zferral.com
- Zipongo – diet and exercise tracking, www.zipongo.com
But this summary is incomplete. There are now 42 answers on this post and counting. I want to try them all! And if you’re also dying to test out (or at least sign up for) some new services, stealthy and otherwise, this is one thread you should follow. Be warned, though: Quora is often labelled a “time sucking” service, and this thread is a prime example as to why. Be sure to have a few minutes to spare before clicking through!
Also, Quora? Please unblock my IP.