Today, via its Google Code Blog, Google announced its new APIs Console for managing Google API projects. The company also announced it is replacing the Web Search API with a new Custom Search API, replacing the Translate API with a new version and retiring the Local Search API. The old APIs will be phased out over the course of three years.

One of the main benefit of the APIs Console is that registered users will have higher limits than anonymous users. According to the blog post, the key features of the APIs Console are:
- Log in with your Google account to see the API projects you’re working on.
- Create and manage project teams for projects that are shared with your co-workers or friends.
- Get developer credentials to track exactly how you are using each API.
- View information about how your site or app is using the APIs, including which of your pages are making the most requests.
The console now supports “over half a dozen” APIs but Google says the number will grow rapidly.
The new Custom Search API will add support for Atom and JSON syndication formats.