Yusuf Mehdi, Senior Vice President of Microsoft’s Bing search engine announced today the launch of a new social portal that will produce real-time results from both Facebook and Twitter. The site, which will be live later today, will be found at bing.com/social and will be “the first search experience integrating the full Facebook firehose,” according to Microsoft.

Bing has featured a Twitter portal for social search, and by adding Facebook results the search engine is stepping up its real-time search game to include results from both services. The Facebook results include both information from public pages, as well as popular shared links from users with appropriate privacy settings for public sharing. Bing also helps you quickly scan the social links by including an excerpt from the link in context within the results.

A redesigned Bing homepage will also aggregate trending topics from across both Twitter and Facebook. Each topic is clearly defined to explain why it is trending, and results from both Facebook and Twitter are provided to see what the zeitgeist says about it. Expect these new tools later today, as well as more social features from Bing in the near future.