Home Canada and UK next in line for Vision Pro international rollout

Canada and UK next in line for Vision Pro international rollout


  • Apple's Vision Pro, released in the US in February, is expected to debut soon in Canada, the UK, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, France, and Germany.
  • The Vision Pro is Apple's first 3D camera and wearable device, enabling control via hands, eyes, and voice, with training for international employees underway.
  • Despite selling 180,000 units during its January pre-order, subsequent sales have been slow, attributed to its high price of $3,499.

Ever since Apple’s Vision Pro was released in the United States in February, eager fans worldwide have been waiting for its international debut.

Well, people in Canada and the United Kingdom could soon have their hands on the product alongside others as launches could be rolled out shortly.

The Apple Vision Pro is the company’s first 3D camera and wearable device that includes spatial experiences so users can control the technology with their hands, eyes, and voice.

According to Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman, the first countries to see the Vision Pro roll-out include China, Japan, Korea, Australia, France, and Germany.

A week after this report, Canada, UK, and Singapore were added to the list as well.


While it’s not yet known when this will take place, with Apple keeping hush on the whole thing, the report indicates that the Apple Vision Pro expansion will take place after the Worldwide Developers Conference.

This is an event held between June 10 – June 14 at Apple Park in California where the technology giant delights fans by sharing new releases and announcements.

In the initial report, Gurman explains how Vision Pro training has begun for employees in international stores: “The company began holding training sessions in recent days and has flown hundreds of employees from its international stores to Cupertino, California, to learn how to demonstrate the device for customers, according to people with knowledge of the matter…

“The company is training workers from Germany, France, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and China, indicating that those areas will be some of the first international markets for the device.”

How did Apple’s Vision Pro perform in the United States?

The Vision Pro headset sold 180,000 units during its January pre-order weekend, but since then the sales are thought to be underwhelming.

Reports have indicated a slow uptake following the initial burst of excitement. While some glowing reviews have been published, many point back to the high price point.

The Apple Vision Pro costs $3,499 which isn’t an accessible price for the mass market.

In one report, from Joanna Stern at the Wall Street Journal, the device was described as being a work in progress that “you’re probably not going to buy.”

Featured Image: Photo by Roméo A. on Unsplash

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Sophie Atkinson
Tech Journalist

Sophie Atkinson is a UK-based journalist and content writer, as well as a founder of a content agency which focuses on storytelling through social media marketing. She kicked off her career with a Print Futures Award which champions young talent working in print, paper and publishing. Heading straight into a regional newsroom, after graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in Journalism, Sophie started by working for Reach PLC. Now, with five years experience in journalism and many more in content marketing, Sophie works as a freelance writer and marketer. Her areas of specialty span a wide range, including technology, business,…

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