I’m pleased to announce the second network blog under the Read/WriteWeb umbrella, AltSearchEngines. This blog will be focused on search engines, in particular the hundreds of ‘alternative’ search engines that compete with the big guns like Google and Yahoo. AltSearchEngines is edited by Charles Knight, author of the very popular Top 100 Alt Search Engines List (which started in January ’07 here on R/WW).

In fact we’re launching AltSearchEngines with the latest edition of The Top 100, in which Charles has chosen not one, but two Search Engines of the Month!
AltSearchEngines is the second new blog in the Read/WriteWeb Network in a matter of weeks. We launched last100, a blog about digital lifestyle products edited by Steve O’Hear, two weeks ago. There are more R/WW network blogs on the way, plus we are planning a design refresh of the ‘mothership’ blog readwriteweb.com. It’s all happening!
So what is the remit of AltSearchEngines? Its approach will be to expand coverage of search engines to include the hundreds of alternative / niche search engines. While the editorial attitude will not be “anti-Google”, it will certainly be “pro-alternative search engines” – a showcase of cutting edge innovation. Our goal for AltSearchEngines is to make it the definitive destination for everything related to alternative search engines – over 1,000 of them! AltSearchEngine’s motto: “The most wonderful search engines you’ve never seen”.
You can subscribe to AltSearchEngines with this RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AltSearchEngines
Check out the new site and in particular the June edition of the Top 100 Alternative Search Engines!