R/WW Network blog last100 has been busy reviewing new Internet TV services. This week last100 editor Steve O’Hear hands-on tested and wrote reviews of three Internet TV applications: VeohTV, which is pitching itself as a more open alternative to Joost; Zattoo, a p2p live streaming offering; and LiveStation, which like Zattoo also specializes in ‘live’ TV over the net, rather than on-demand content.

LiveStation has been getting a lot of attention, because the front-end is powered by MicrosoftÄôs newly launched Flash-competitor, Silverlight. It’s being called ÄúSlingbox without the boxÄ?. The last100 verdict for LiveStation:
LiveStationÄôs emphasis on streaming of live rather than on-demand TV, keeps it from competing head-on with Joost and Babelgum (both of which are extremely well funded). However, as noted, others such as Zattoo are tackling the same problem as LiveStation. In the end, as ever, content will be king. And while we donÄôt yet know how many different Internet TV applications a user will welcome onto their desktop, itÄôs likely thereÄôs room for at least one live and one on-demand offering.

Check out the full review on last100. If you haven’t yet subscribed to last100, you are missing out on excellent reviews and news about digital lifestyle. We are also growing the writing team, so over the next few weeks you will see even more hands-on reviews and reporting from the last100 team.