Results for "12"

We found 17291 results for your search.
  • Avoid Scams in Retirement
    12 Scams to Avoid During Retirement

    Scams use the stereotype of a confused, older person giving their money to a scammer is almost cliché at this point in time. Unfortunately, not many people question this idea, leading them to ask why seniors fall for scams in the first place. A better question may be, why does...

  • Motivate Yourself
    12 Ways to Motivate Yourself Every Morning

    It’s funny how motivation works. Some days, you wake up with so much energy and inspiration that you’re ready to take on the world. Other times, it feels like you have just enough energy to crawl out of bed. Even though motivation seems random, it’s not. It takes effort to feel...

  • Corporate Holiday Gift Guide
    Your Corporate Holiday Gift Guide: 12 Thoughtful and Creative Items to Consider

    Whether you've been newly inspired to build connections with your employees through gifting, or if you have simply been assigned the task of doing so, finding perfect ideas for corporate holiday gifts can be tricky. You need to consider your recipients, your budget, delivery method, and which occasions you'll celebrate...

  • Highly Effective Teams
    12 Habits of Highly Effective Teams

    It’s never easy leading a team, regardless of how many members you have. When different types of people are grouped together with different temperaments, miscommunication can occur, which inhibits workplace productivity. As a result, it can drive you to climb the walls. With a bit of tact, however, you can get...

  • Marketing Automation
    12 Tips for Marketing Automation in 2022

    Many businesses are not taking advantage of technology that can improve marketing results. With marketing automation systems, they can send thoughtful communications at the right time to nurture leads and convert them. Marketing automation is one of the best ways to run your business. It allows you to: Create a...

  • Blockchain
    The Top 12 Blockchain Speakers for 2022

    What’s happening in the blockchain industry this year? How will Bitcoin react to the return of inflation? What can cryptocurrencies offer banking? And what is the future for NFTs and the Metaverse? All these questions -- and more -- will determine the future of Web 3.0, and some people seem...

  • Cheapest States to Retire
    12 of the Cheapest States to Retire

    Are you ready to retire from your career but worry that you may not be financially prepared? This is a common concern. The majority of baby boomers have no retirement savings, and 40% plan to rely solely on Social Security for their income after retirement. What's worse, most Americans have...

  • Predictions for Business
    12 Predictions for Business, Technology, and the Modern Workplace

    New years always bring about excitement, energy, and predictions for what will happen in the future. Of course, the last two years alone have significantly shaped what the next ten will bring, but a few things stick out to me from the trends I have been watching. So let's get...

  • Apps
    12 Ways to Make Signing Electronic Documents Easier

    Are you using electronic documents with e-signatures yet? If not, it’s probably time to start. Electronic signatures have been a game-changer for many businesses, and they can be one for you, too. Electronic signatures expedite the process of signing documents for parties who can’t meet in person. Signing documents electronically...

  • propelo
    Propelo raises $12M to Improve it’s AI Engineering Platform

    Over the past few years, the number of DevOps software tools has increased exponentially. With that comes a huge amount of data these tools can generate to assist businesses in improving their software development processes. Most of this data ends up in a dashboard where it can be analyzed. Propelo, formerly LevelOps, aims...

  • Featured
    Amazon knocks $200 off Apple Macbook Pro M1 512GB

    Apple's Macbook Pro M1 has made records, and now, you can get your very own without the extra $200, as at Amazon, they have dropped it down by $200, and can be bought at the price of $1,300, from $1,500 from here. More about the Apple Macbook Pro M1 The...

  • promote event online
    12 High ROI Options for Promoting an Event Online

    Putting on an event is expensive. Whether it’s a traditional in-person conference, a virtual summit, a product launch event, or a fundraiser, it costs a lot to get an event up and running. And without butts in seats, an event can quickly become a massive financial loss. Here are 12...

  • ecommerce b2b website
    12 Key Characteristics for an eCommerce B2B Website

    Very often, when we hear the words "online shop", this creates the images of different e-commerce platforms that sell products such as shoes, jewelry, stationery, or grocery stores. If it is unquestionable that the B2C companies compose an essential part of e-commerce shops, B2B portals slowly emerge to dominate the online...

  • Fund
    accessiBe Gets $12 Million To Usher an Accessible Web with Ada Compliance

    Web accessibility software accessiBe announced that it has received a $12 million investment from private equity firm K1 Investment Management, LLC. The funding is expected to fuel accesiBe’s expansion, widening its reach across North America and improving its support for its partners and customers. "What excites us most about our...

  • iot protocol
    12 Lesser-Known IoT Protocols You Wished You Knew About Earlier

    According to a Gartner prediction, there will be 25 billion connected devices by 2021, which is significantly higher than their previous estimate of 20.4 billion devices in 2020. IDC data shows that 152,000 IoT devices will connect to the internet every minute by 2025. Yes, you read that right, 152,000...

  • Sales
    12 Best Sales Engagement Solutions for 2020

    Now is not the time to stop selling. Though the new decade got off to a rough start, businesses waiting for the dust to settle could find themselves waiting a long time. Small businesses, which make up 44 percent of the American economy, must find a way to keep revenue...

  • Coway Airmega Air Purifier
    Product Reviews
    Coway Airmega AP-1512HHS: Smart Air Purifier and Clean Design

    Air purifier's provide health benefits to anyone that works in an office or spends long periods at home. To address these concerns, numerous air purifiers have appeared on the market to clear the air. The latest one is the Coway Airmega. Here's my review of this smart air purifier. About...

  • SaaS
    Top 12 Advantages of Software as a Service (SaaS)

    The evolution of technology has brought forward a mass change in the enterprise solution. The infrastructure is evolving with modern amenities and adopting different Software. The adoption of different software is, in turn, helping every individual to grow with modern smart amenities. Here are the top twelve advantages of software...

  • bots
    12 of the Web’s Best Business Bots

    You're gearing up your business's growth strategy to leverage AI (artificial intelligence), ML (machine learning), NLP (natural language processing) and a menu of other robo-acronyms. Let's take a look at why AI chatbots are a unicorn growth tool for businesses using AI today. Here are twelve of the web's best...

  • cybersecurity now
    12 Things to Know about Cybersecurity Now

    Whether you are a techie or not, there’s a fair chance that your life is highly reliant on the internet and its wonders. Your social media accounts are likely humming, and you know your way around the IoT devices you use. All of these devices connect you to the cyber...

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