The Real-Time Web Summit in New York City is currently winding down, and by most accounts it’s been a pretty incredible day. To quote Baratunde Thurston, Web editor at @theonion, “This #rwwsummit might be the best one-day conference i’ve ever attended.” Earlier today LaughingSquid posted some great photos, including a few shots of the ReadWriteWeb crew. After the jump we’ve rounded up a few more photos of how the day went down.

Creating the session agenda with facilitator Kaliya Hamlin. Photo: Alex Williams.
Suzanne Livingston, senior product manager, IBM. Photo: Alex Williams.
Photo: Alex Williams.
Michael Maney and Redg Snodgrass, Alcatel Lucent. Photo: Alex Williams.
RWW founder Richard MacManus. Photo: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid