This morning in her address to LeWeb conference attendees, her majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan asked the audience, “Did Michael Jackson change the fate of the green revolution?” While CNN was slow to report on this year’s Iranian election protests, Twitter became a powerful news vehicle. Nevertheless, after a week of “Tehran” as Twitter’s top trending topics, Michael Jackson’s sudden death quickly replaced it.

Interested in the power of activism and social change, Queen Rania tweeted the question, “Can the real-time web change the world?” Inundated with answers, the Queen was surprised to find that 60% of those who replied answered no.

As one way to rally netizens to participate in life-changing social action, Rania called upon today’s attendees to join in her mission of universal education for children. In participation with the 1Goal project, the Queen appealed to bloggers for their help. As part of her campaign to collect more than 300 million signatures in support of universal childhood education, she is asking bloggers to devote one day of tweeting and blogging to the 1Goal project.
Said Rania, “The classroom can be a chrysalis for change… We can be lifestreaming and life changing.”
For more information on how you can participate visit
Photo Credit: Chris Heuer