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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 January 2005

    Some of the Web 2.0 trends and talk I tracked this week... accompanied by some dodgy Austin Powers subheaders.Tagalicious, baby, yeah!Flickr and made tagging cool, now every social software app is doing it. Technorati, The Robot Co-op and Metafilter were among the companies braggin' about taggin' this week. There...

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    Why Topic/Tag/Remix Feeds Are The Future of RSS

    To follow-up on my rather bold prediction for RSS in my previous post: "in the not too distant future, more people will subscribe to topic/tag/remix feeds than feeds of actual people." One of the reasons I think this may eventuate is that blogging is and always will be a minority sport...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 9-15 January 2005

    Time for a look back at the week that was in Web 2.0. In no particular order...1. Gizmodo's 4-part interview with Bill Gates ended with Bill insisting that DRM is a good thing because it protects your medical records (or something like that). In part one of the interview, Gates...

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    More Thoughts on RSS Aggregator Market Share quoted me in their article entitled Benchmark For RSS Client Market Share?, a news story covering Feedburner's RSS Aggregator stats. It's the first time I've been used in the media as a source, so I'm quite chuffed. They didn't contact me, just quoted from my blog - which is...

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    Feedburner’s RSS Aggregator Market Share stats

    Great news! Prompted by my December post about RSS Reader Market Share, Feedburner (the company I selected as the most promising Web 2.0 company of 2004/5) has just released their own RSS Aggregator stats. This is exactly what I asked for, because statistically the Feedburner data is much much bigger...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 2-8 January 2005

    I thought I'd trial a new feature on Read/Write Web, a weekly summary of news and views relating to Web 2.0 (Web as platform). Most of the links will be sourced from my linkblog, which btw I'm now managing with So here are some highlights from this week:1. Weblications...

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    Everything has already moved

    Simon Waldman, Director of Digital Publishing for Guardian Newspapers, writes:"Gizmodo gets handed an interview with Bill Gates. Good for them, I say - and a smart move by Microsoft. Now here’s a big challenge to traditional media: yes, anyone can run a blog and call themselves a reporter, but ‘access’...

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    Content and Containers

    One of my favourite articles of 2004 was a transcript of a speech by Tom Curley, CEO of the Associated Press. In it he said that "...content will be more important than its container in this next phase [of the Web]". Why? Because "killer apps, such as search, RSS and...

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    Best Web 2.0 Companies of 2004

    In 2005 I'll be sharpening my blog's focus some more, onto the topic of Web 2.0. I'll explore what Web 2.0 means in detail in later posts, but for now a quick definition of Web 2.0 is: using the Web as a platform.A good way for me to launch into...

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    RSS Reader Market Share

    There's always a lot of talk about market share for web browsers, which is picking up again now that Firefox is starting to eat into Internet Explorer's huge lead. But there's been little talk of who is winning the battle for the eyeballs of RSS consumers. Mainly that's because reading...

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    Weblog Reading And Writing: Always Unfinished?

    Jason Kottke on web magazines:"Before weblogs ruled the realm, a typical way to publish content online was in a Web magazine format. Suck, Feed, Netly News, Smug, Stating the Obvious, etc."Jason followed up in a later comment with this:"Suck articles were finished and "professional", which is what's missing (I think)...

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    PubSub LinkRank

    I came across PubSub's LinkRank feature for the first time today. It's an interesting new measurement... Here is the official blurb, comparing it to Google PageRank:"Unlike Google's PageRank system, LinkRanks are not iterative. Rather, we base LinkRanks on a simple formula that only looks at local links - links which...

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    Branding Microcontent

    Well here I am blogging in my pyjamas. Not literally, but metaphorically. Chillin'. Taking stock. Thinking about goals for next year. I've also been thinking about my Design for Data theory and while I've been doing that, a few posts elsewhere have attracted my attention...First a "in a nutshell" re-cap...

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    Tim O’Reilly Interview, Part 3: eBooks & Remix Culture

    In this final instalment of my interview with Tim O'Reilly (see also: Part 1 & Part 2), we discuss eBooks, social networking, collaboration and Remix culture. This is probably my favourite segment of the interview, because we explored some interesting new ideas here about Web publishing.Books and Social NetworkingRichard: eBooks...

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    Gettin’ Paid: A Future for Content Creators?

    UPDATE 12/11/04: An interesting conversation has developed in the comments to this post, spurred on by Phil Jones who disagreed with my position. Joshua, Liam and Matt Scofield also contributed thoughtful comments that are well worth reading. I'd like to get other opinions too... do you think there is a...

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    US Elections – Global Mind

    My fellow bloggers: like a lot of you, I'm disappointed that Kerry lost. FWIW here are some quick thoughts from a non-US citizen:- I watched the coverage on CNN and BBC yesterday (yes we get both tv networks in New Zealand). CNN seemed to be very cautious about predicting results......

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    Asymmetrical Analytics

    Interesting line of thought inspired by Ross Mayfield's post Blog-based Research Model, where he talks about research services shifting "from the end analysis product (.pdf) to the open process of research". That is, instead of relying upon bulky and expensive PDFs from the traditional analyst companies (Gartner and so forth),...

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    Top Ten Blog Post Titles I Want To Use

    It's Friday afternoon where I live, so time for a less serious post. There's an art to creating good weblog post titles and most of the time I craft my post titles after I've written the post. However some post titles are just too good NOT to use, because they're...

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    C For Content

    Last night I proclaimed we're in a Content Renaissance and this morning, what do I stumble across but a bunch of articles saying the very same thing! It's either a case of 'great minds think alike', or there really is a content renaissance happening. :-) For example, Robert Scoble wrote...

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    Content Renaissance On The Web

    Is it just me, or is CONTENT making a comeback on the Web? I've been reading a lot of the Web 2.0blogging and I sense, even from across the other side of the world, that the Web is entering another bubble of optimism. Frankly, I wish I was over in...

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