Results for "news"

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    Limits of the Web in 2004

    When I was a very young child, perhaps 5 or 6, I wrote a poem that got published in The Timaru Herald newspaper. My first published writing.I think I may've dreamed recently that I'd found a copy of it on the Web. I can't recall (I'm not good at remembering...

  • Social
    Weblogs as Avatars: some thoughts

    I'm in a stage right now where there are lots of details that I'm juggling in my life, both in the real world and my weblog world. My job is busy, with quite a few relatively exciting projects on the go at the same time. My home life is busy,...

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    More on Topic-Sharing Community

    There's already been a great response to my post last night (see the comments to previous entry). Greg suggested his aggregator Blogdigger could be included in this - I agree! Matt and Andrew also posted very thoughtful responses.Here's some of my feedback (copied from the comments - I must get...

  • Web
    Proposed Solution for ENT Topic-Sharing Community

    A few weeks ago I suggested merging Topic Exchange and K-Collector together, or at least bring the two sets of functionality closer together. I figure I'll take a leaf out of Marc Canter's book and try and rally the community together on this project. I'm hoping the respective developers of...

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    RSS in New Zealand E-Government

    This is an article I've submitted to Computerworld NZ. I interviewed Ferry Hendrikx of the NZ E-Government Unit for this. Note that the target audience is mainstream IT people, so as well as writing about Ferry's experiences in E-Government I decided to also explain what RSS is and put it...

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    Reaching for the Golden Ring (or Getting Paid)

    All this hullaballoo about Movable Type's new licensing structure is just another example of one of the Web's enduring issues: how to make money on the Web when users are accustomed to free lunches. It's not just an issue for developers either, it's as bad (if not worse) for writers....

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    Duplicating Link and Guid

    I don't want to wade into an RSS syntax debate, but I came across a practical example of why to duplicate the Guid and Link elements in your RSS 2.0 file. Rogers Cadenhead recommends that they be duplicated. It is one of two differences between Rogers' new proposed RSS feed...

  • Web
    One Year On: Part 1

    Here goes another self-referencing post about blogging. A couple of days ago I clocked up 1 year on this weblog, having started Read/Write Web on 20 April 2003, with an introductory essay called (of course) The Read/Write Web. Looking back on the past 12 months, I have to say that...

  • Web
    I guess this makes me a journalist

    Today I got my first article in print. My interview with Marc Canter made it into Computerworld New Zealand (pg 16, April 19 edition - right over the page from Jon Udell). It was one of my goals at the start of this year to get my writing published in...

  • Web
    Napoleon’s Glance – the Art of Web Strategy

    In my day job I'm currently working on a Web Strategy for my company. I've created web strategies in the past and I enjoy doing them. At the previous company I worked for, a telecommunications multinational, I wrote a Web Strategy to merge the websites of the New Zealand and...

  • Web
    Interview with Marc Canter

    Read/Write Web is pleased to bring you this special feature, an interview with software pioneer Marc Canter. Marc is one of the founding fathers of multimedia, having created tools and content in the medium since the late 70's and early 80's. He formed a company called MacroMind in 1984 and...

  • Web
    Much Ado About Comments

    I've noticed that a few of my favourite webloggers are being hit by comment spam. Bill Seitz's WikiLog has been hammered this week and Andrew Chen noticed this morning a new trick. A spammer had exactly mirrored a comment made by me a few days ago on Andrew's weblog, using my name but replacing my URL with its...

  • Web
    American influence on the blogosphere

    Today I came across a very interesting article in the New Zealand Herald newspaper entitled "US power and influence warrent careful scrutiny" by columnist Barbara Sumner Burstyn. She starts off by explaining why she writes about America so much (and gets flack from her readers because of her perceived anti-American stance):"So why...

  • Web
    Getting back on the Writing train

    So I've decided to write and serialize a short story on Read/Write Web. I'll treat it as a mini-Nanowrimo, with me as the only participant (unless anyone else is game). I'll aim for 10,000 words in 2 weeks, which is pretty cushy compared to when I wrote 50,000 words over 4...

  • Web
    Random thoughts about Blogging Overload

    Thought a) Some people post too much. Recently I subscribed to 7 Journalist Bloggers - 6 of them post too many items, so I've fallen behind already. One of them has 81 unread items sitting in my RSS Aggregator and it's only 3 or so days worth. It's too much! I don't...

  • Social
    This is off our first record, most people don’t own it

    Well my Fractal Blogosphere concept seemed to generate some interest this week. I think it's the first article I've done that got picked up by the populace without the support of an A-Lister. By that I mean, it got linked to by many "normal" people and no A-Listers (as far as...

  • Web
    Citizen Blogger

    I've been getting more and more interested in the concept of a "Citizen Blogger": a person who actively participates in politics via their weblog. For such a person, weblogging becomes a political act - an 'Uncle Sam Needs You' for the 21st Century. The term has been floating around for a...

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    Portrait of a Geek as a young-ish man

    Note to self: don't bother with any more surveys, because I'm not popular enough. As Homer Simpson might say, Stupid A-List... :-) But seriously, I was a little disappointed more people didn't respond to my survey: what do I look like in real life. Particularly as the responses I did...

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    First read-through of my Nanowrimo novel

    I've just finished reading my Nanowrimo novel as a whole piece for the first time. I'm pretty pleased with the story, apart from one thing right at the end (which I'll address at the end of this post). The whole point of Nanowrimo for me, as a first-time novelist, was...

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    The New Puritan Manifesto

    As I was browsing my local bookstore, ostensibly looking for a Christmas present for my Grandma, I came across a book called all hail the new puritans. It was a collection of short stories from young British writers circa 2000. So it was a few years old and probably collecting...

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