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We found 48027 results for your search.
  • Web
    Yahoo Shoposphere launches – MeCommerce

    TechCrunch has the scoop about Yahoo's new e-commerce web app, Yahoo! Shoposphere. Mike's taken it for a test run already and here's his description:"Yahoo is making a major push into search personalization and recommendations - the overall project is called "Shoposphere" and the major feature being released is called "Pick...

  • Web
    Amazon Does Tagging

    Alan Taylor and Anil Dash report that Amazon is rolling out tags in a big way. In a discussion board message, Amazonian Blake Scholl announced that 50% of Amazon customers will see the tagging features at this time. You will be able to apply tags to any item on the...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7 – 13 Nov 2005

    This week: International Web 2.0, Mainstream Media Meltdown, Microsoft "Leaked" docs, Web 2.0 poster children rebel, 2.0 Post of the Week - samy conquers myspace.sponsored by:Web 2.0 - Rockin' All Over The WorldThis week we've seen evidence that Web 2.0 is taking over the world reaching out to other parts...

  • Web
    Melbourne Long Tail BBQ and podcast

    Last night my friends in Melbourne held a Long Tail BBQ, as part of the worldwide Long Tail Camp. Seeing as I live across the ditch in New Zealand, I participated virtually via a Skype call - which Cameron Reilly from The Podcast Network recorded. The MP3 is here (10MB...

  • Web
    Microsoft Leaked Docs + Ballmer on Xbox and TV business

    Dave Winer has published a leaked email from Bill Gates and memo from Ray Ozzie. This comes from a source within Microsoft, who Dave Winer won't name.In Gates' email, he outlines Microsoft's high level vision for Internet services:"The broad and rich foundation of the internet will unleash a "services wave"...

  • Web
    Anytown Marketplace – Craigslist for any city, the service for building and using social applications? I've been waiting for a really interesting app to come out of that - and this may be it. Anytown Marketplace is the creation of the exceedingly clever Jonathan Aquino. Jon described it as "a Craigslist-like app that you can clone...

  • Web
    China Web2.0 Review

    Here's a site to keep an eye on - an English language blog about Web 2.0 in China:"China Web2.0 Review is a blog dedicated to track and review web2.0 development in China. We will profile and review web2.0 applications, products, services and business in China, and track the buzz about...

  • Web
    Just Say No To Web 2.0

    Flock has been getting a lot of flack from certain quarters. Mostly they're being (unfairly) tagged as a kind of symbol of the so-called Web 2.0 bubble. I've been dismayed by some of the venom that's been directed at Flock - some of it has been downright spiteful. I'm a...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 31 Oct – 6 Nov 2005

    This week: Microsoft Live, Flash Maps and the Mechanical Turk, Web 2.0 meet-ups all over the world, 2.0 Blog of the Week - by:Microsoft Live wrap-upThe big news of the week was Microsoft's announcement of Windows Live and Office Live. My post entitled Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0 summarized...

  • Web
    Top Ten Web 2.0 Problems Amazon Mechanical Turk Can Solve For Me

    What is Amazon Mechanical Turk? It's a web service that enables you to "complete simple tasks that people do better than computers. And, get paid for it."Amazon describes it thusly: "...when we think of interfaces between human beings and computers, we usually assume that the human being is the one...

  • Web
    International Web 2.0 Events

    The UK has its own Web 2.0 Conference on 11 November in Brighton, in the form of d.Construct:"d.Construct 2005 is the UKís first grassroots Web 2.0 conference. It is an affordable, one-day event aimed at those building the latest generation of web-based applications. The event will discuss how new technology...

  • Web
    Gen Y are Content Creators

    This what it's all about:"Fully half of all teens and 57% of teens who use the internet could be considered Content Creators. They have created a blog or webpage, posted original artwork, photography, stories or videos online or remixed online content into their own new creations."That finding is from the...

  • Web
    Issues Facing Web 2.0 Today

    Dion Hinchcliffe has an excellent post outlining the top 10 issues for Web 2.0 today (an 11th was added in the comments by Paul Montgomery). Here's a summary of Dion's list with comments from me, but be sure to check his site too because he has useful commentary for each...

  • Web
    Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0

    Summary: My Day 1 impressions of Windows/Office Live are positive and I think Microsoft is taking up the challenge of an increasingly Web-based software world, while at the same time sticking to their desktop software knitting. I'm particularly intrigued by the Xbox 360 relationship and I think we'll see a...

  • Web is now live

    As part of the news this morning (my coverage here), Microsoft has released a website called It appears to be under a new name - i.e. the RSS Reader/portal homepage that was released earlier this year. And it still doesn't have decent Firefox support! Dave Winer has a...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 24-30 Oct 2005

    This week: Microsoft's Web 2.0 strategy, Google Base, Yahoo! travel, Web 2.0 Humour, 2.0 Post of the Week.sponsored by:Microsoft's Web 2.0 StrategyThere's big news coming this week from Microsoft, on the consumer as well as business side. It sounds like Microsoft is really ramping up its Web 2.0 strategy. Meanwhile, this...

  • Web
    InfoWorld story on Microsoft unveiling hosted services next week

    I was quoted in an IDG InfoWorld story, entitled Gates, Ozzie seen unveiling hosted services next week:"Some prominent Microsoft watchers, such as Richard MacManus, also have suggested a hosted version of Microsoft Office may be in the works. In his Web log, Web 2.0 Explorer, freelance Web analyst and writer...

  • Web
    Microsoft building a Web-based Office suite?

    My latest ZDNet column is a potential doozy:Microsoft is leaping into hosted applications big time. InformationWeek reports that Microsoft plans to offer hosted implementations of SharePoint, CRM and ERP applications. But the best quote in that article was left till last. A "Microsoft insider" was asked which other products and...

  • Web
    Food Fight!

    Lots to eat today in Dot Oh Cafe. Here are some of the tasty tidbits that caught my eye as I perused the tech.memeorandum and Rojo menus:Google's smorgasbord classifieds serviceGoogle Base is eating the lunch of many a hungry 2.0 start-up. Here are some of the mouth-watering dishes in Google...

  • Web
    WebDosBeta: Spain’s Web 2.0 Conference

    WebDosBeta is Spain's equivalent of the Web 2.0 Conference and it was held on 24 October in Madrid. I noticed it the other day in Technorati's Top 10 searches, but at the time I couldn't find any English translations. Thankfully Yannick Laclau has come through for us English-speakers and posted...

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