Results for "acl"

We found 2120 results for your search.
  • Developer
    Samsung talks business wearables and Enterprise Solutions at Oracle OpenWorld 2015

    Wearables are red hot and Samsung are at the tip of the spear with the Gear S2.   What some people may not appreciate yet, though, is the role which wearables can play for businesses, as well as their more obvious leisure and consumer purposes, such as health-tracking, notifications, etc. "Wearables...

  • Work
    The Greatest Potential—And Obstacle—For Wearables At Work

    Guest author Alberto Torres is the CEO of Atheer Labs and a speaker at Wearable World Congress, ReadWrite's signature annual conference in San Francisco on May 19-20. The event will feature key players who are shaping wearable technology and the Internet of Things. Once a small hobbyist movement, the wearables industry looks poised...

  • Gaming
    [Game] Talking Tom Cat comes to the Z1 as an ACL app

      The cute little Talking Tom Cat has previously been available on iOS and Android devices, and has now found its way to the Tizen Store thanks to the Android Compatibility Layer (ACL) by Open Mobile. This is possibly the second Android App that uses ACL to run on Z1...

  • Application
    [Application] NEW Native WhatsApp clients hits the Tizen Store, Goodbye ACL WhatsApp Messenger

    We were overjoyed to see a high profile messaging app like WhatsApp available on the Tizen Store at launch for the Samsung Z1. Now it seems the WhatsApp Android App, which used Open Mobile's ACL technology to run on Tizen, has served its purpose and a Native App has launched...

  • Entertainment
    YouTube Fired Flash, Clearing HTML5’s Last Obstacle For World Domination

    After 10 years, YouTube gave Adobe Flash the heave-ho as its default video player on Tuesday. Instead, the site announced it would default to HTML5 to play its never-ending roster of cat clips, Taylor Swift tributes and movie previews.A few years ago, the move would have been unthinkable. In 2010,...

  • Application
    [Video] Samsung Z1 launching with Android Apps thanks to Open Mobile’s ACL Technology

    Yesterday we did an article that the Samsung Z1 would have applications such as WhatsApp released and ready to Install at launch. Talking about launch dates, it looks like to could be tomorrow !!!. Well today we have some more details. It was in-fact an Android application that was installed...

  • Technology
    Samsung Tizen TVs to Support Unity Games and HTML5, JAVA, C/C++, NaCl

      What is the Game Service Platform (GSP) ? The Games Service is a dedicated gaming service on the Tizen TV’s Smart Hub. It provides various games of different genres such as sports, racing, shooting, puzzle etc… It supports different monetization models, such as free-to-play, in-app purchase, paid apps etc…...

  • Cloud
    What Oracle Could Learn From Microsoft About The Cloud

    Has this man seen the cloud?Oracle still doesn't get cloud computing. At Oracle OpenWorld this week, there were signs that Oracle was making serious changes to its business model, embracing cloud computing in a way that it hitherto hasn't. Unfortunately, a review of what Oracle announced suggests that it has...

  • Mobile
    More Than Java: What’s Really At Stake In Google And Oracle’s Copyright Case

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything. Any artist that's ever dealt with copyright will tell you one basic fact: Copyright is the most confusing, convoluted and capricious aspect of intellectual property...

  • Mobile
    Chilling Effect: Oracle Wins Appeal to Copyright APIs

    The federal appeals court that handles U.S. intellectual property cases ruled that APIs can be copyrighted, a finding that may have significant consequences for cloud computing, software interoperability and innovation in general.See also: What APIs Are And Why They MatterThe decision came as part of a ruling in Oracle's favor...

  • Work
    Why Oracle Needs To Embrace WebScaleSQL

    In theory, Oracle owns the code for MySQL, which is still the world's most popular open-source database. By acquiring Sun in 2009, which had previously bought MySQL for $1 billion, Oracle took control of MySQL's code base. Or so it thought.In the last five years, MySQL's user community has actively...

  • Cloud
    Oracle’s Quixotic Quest To Beat Amazon At The Commodity Game

    It has been a few weeks since Oracle CEO Larry Ellison publicly challenged Amazon Web Services (AWS), declaring that Oracle would be "price competitive" in the "commodity infrastructure as a service marketplace." It's as laughable now as when Ellison first said it.Oracle is an exceptional company. What it isn't is a...

  • Work
    Maybe Oracle Isn’t The MySQL Villain So Many People Think

    For those still struggling to understand open source, the fracas over Oracle's handling of MySQL won't help. When Oracle acquired Sun in 2010, open sourcerors (including me) worried that Oracle would kill MySQL by under-investing in its development or turning it proprietary. Neither has happened. In fact, MySQL performance has dramatically...

  • Mobile
    Google And Oracle Set For Round 2 In Java Copyright Case

    Oracle CEO Larry EllisonGoogle once again is set to battle Oracle in court over how it used the Java programming language in building its Android mobile operating system. Oracle, which lost a patent and copyright battle to Google in the spring of 2012, has filed an appeal in the case...

  • Work
    In The Age Of Twitter, Do We Need Oracle? Larry Ellison Isn’t Sure

    Twitter is off to a roaring start this week, closing 70% higher than its IPO price on its first day of trading. This bodes well for Twitter investors, but it may not do any favors to the traditional technology vendors that have minted billions servicing enterprise IT requirements. After all,...

  • Work
    Oracle Claims Second-Largest Software Company Title

    Yesterday's rather unpleasant IBM 3Q earnings report did little to shake the conventional wisdom that IBM is in need of some serious mojo to turn itself around as software and hardware revenue continues to decline.So perhaps it seems a little cruel to take this opportunity to mention that in terms...

  • Work
    News Flash: Oracle Still Hates Open Source Software

    It's no wonder that Google, Red Hat and others have been abandoning Oracle's most visible open-source project, MySQL. After all, Oracle has a highly conflicted relationship with open source. Nowhere is this conflict more apparent than in a new white paper Oracle released for the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)...

  • Work
    Oracle Reverses Course, Embraces Cloud Before Its Customers All Flee

    Five years after Larry Ellison called hype about cloud computing "complete gibberish," his company announced no less than 10 cloud computing services during the Oracle OpenWorld show yesterday.Ellison didn't kick off those new services himself, nor could he be bothered to attend his company's annual trade show at all. He...

  • Work
    Oracle Plays Catch-Up With New ‘In-Memory’ Database Technology

    Oracle CEO Larry Ellison talked up the release of Oracle's new in-memory database technology Sunday night in his opening keynote of Oracle OpenWorld in San Francisco, but was oddly non-confrontational when it came to trash-talking the biggest potential competitor in this space, SAP.In-memory databases—such as SAP's rival HANA database appliance—use...

  • Work
    Red Hat To Oracle: Have You Tried Free?

    Oracle probably isn't the first company that comes to mind when words like "austerity" are used. Perhaps for that very reason Oracle president Mark Hurd recently took to the blog-o-sphere to argue that going all-in with Oracle, even at a premium price, delivers better value. Ironically, Red Hat CEO Jim...

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